Katie Sinclair



6 years, 3 months ago


Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Homosexual
Nationality: English

Katie is an apprentice witch to a secret coven in the mountains of northern England. For generations, most female members of her family have been witches, and her aunt and grandmother are in the coven with her. Katie's mother, however, was born without powers. The witches of the coven are usually so preoccupied with studying magic that they rarely have time for mundane pursuits, such as a career or higher education, so most of them are really poor. Katie's mother never experience the good parts about being a witch or being able to use magic. She only ever knew that her family had to struggle with poverty. When Katie came into her powers, her mother was devastated, as she didn't want Katie to throw her life away to study magic.

Katie's mother could not keep the young witch from wanting to learn more about her powers and herself or from wanting to connect to the coven, who felt like family to Katie. She kept studying with the coven every summer, becoming more adept at magic.

Just before Katie was going to officially be initiated into the coven, the coven got attacked by a powerful demon. The demon came in and killed or kidnapped all the coven members, leaving Katie as the sole survivor. Horrified by what happened, Katie is now working to rescue her coven from the demon, a task that is more than daunting for the young apprentice.

Misc facts:
Katie is super awkward. Her tome of spells is dotted with post-its, coffee stains, and illegible notes. She's also very disorganized in general. She also forgets things a lot.
Her real name is Catherine. Her family has a similar naming convention. Each woman in her family has a fancy old name and a common nickname. So, her grandmother is named Margaret -> Maggie, her aunt's name is Elizabeth -> Lizzie, and her mother's name is Victoria -> Vicky.