Kairune Semi-Open species



1 year, 7 months ago


What are kairunes? 

(look in images for more info)

In short words, they are a Hybrid species created by the GMO food industry to create a livestock species who's meat is healthier, eggs have more protein and have more offspring per clutch to battle against world hunger. Using DNA technology it became possible to splice a kangaroo fetus with differnt DNA from an Ostriches, Goats, Sloths, and Rats. 

Repeating this process for a couple kairune generations, they were able to create the moden kairune species. Although most kairunes are born perfect there are a rare 5% chance that the kairune are labeled as Genetic Mishaps. 


What is the difference between a normal kairune and a Genetic Mishap kairune? 

(look in images for more info)

A Genetic Mishap Kaiune happens when DNA from the previous animals becomes dominant or mutated which leads to hidden dormant traits to show such as malformed wings, rat like tail, feathers, long arm appendages, extra horns, hoves etc.


Can I make a kairune? Or how do i get one?

Yes! kairunes are now a semi-open species. You can make a normal kairune but not a Genetic Mishap kairune because i want keep the G.M Kairunes rare.  If you dont wanna make one , i do make raffles, OTAs, BTAs, WTAs, etc! You can make yourself one or adopts.


Rules to making a kairune

Making a Kairune is simple and very customizable! 

-It can be any color! Color pallets are not limited. 

-Horns can be any shape although they can only be on forehead area. 

-They can have any hair type and hair style this includes their tail tuff!

-they cannot have extra limbs such as extra arms or tails since these are reserved for Genetic Mishap Kairunes which are rare.

-although they are allowed to have docked tails or missing limbs

Link to F2U kairune bases


More info coming soon