
1 year, 8 months ago


the windy system... collectively named windy, collective pronouns xi/he/ae/she

android "dude", also has mini network form and wind powers

three frequent fronters but theres others that show up sometimes. see alter ref for more info!

he has a chronic virus.. some details about it. xi gets more easily fatigued. it prevents xim from regenerating aer hair, eye, and certain parts of aer skin. xi has good days (minimal discomfort) and bad days (tired, itchy, cannot-stand-up pain..)

NOTE: the playlists are what the characters themselves listen to, not songs that describe/are like them. it's their music taste!

NOTE 2: view one of the reference images for outfit styles!


windy - xi/he/ae/she - girlnothing (any terms) - 5'0" - purple wind powers


windy, at his core, is a lover of FUN!! xi tries to live life to the fullest and very much operates by a YOLO mindset. he likes to try new things and prefers to goof off with his friends rather than work. she doesn't hold herself very seriously and is incredibly flaky. responsibilities are something that very much escape aer. due to a lack of both mental and bodily autonomy when xi was younger, xi feels the need to amend this issue by existing brashly and in xis own way. xi also has a deep and lingering fear that this freedom will eventually be taken away from her, which is an additional reason she seems to "maximize" her experience. windy operates very inconsistently and is prone to manic episodes. even though windy's self is usually bubbling over, she has an issue with expressing how she's actually feeling, and feels extreme embarrassment at telling others how much she cares about them. if xi does, it's usually hidden under a layer of jokes.

he acts over friendly with everyone, including strangers, but it is rarely genuine; he likely feels normal and polite, but plays up the friendliness as a joke. xi can make fast friends and can come off as quite annoying or too much to hang around with, though it hardly ever stops him from trying. one of his terrible habits is that xi will play pranks on almost anyone, including barely-known acquaintices. ae is impulsive and consequences never occur to aer before doing something. she has a slapstick sense of humor but also likes riddles.

you can find windy embroidering, trying new things, browsing the internet (and getting scammed) slacking off with friends (usually the rest of the ignis), playing pranks, or travelling! honestly anything works, xi picks up new hobbies and drops them very often. in terms of travel, xi is a big fan of buying one-way train or boat tickets and spending a few weeks there just chilling and playing. windy has been voted cyberse world's most likely to get a virus from a Hot Singles In Your Area ad, so do what you will with that.

physical infowindy is.. short!! xi makes up for this by having the best posture (like a runway model) and is quite skinny. she shaves her legs, but the rest of her usually has hair. OK to draw with or without stubble, xi doesnt care. he's always standing on his toes. button nose, oval face, monolid eyes. view eyebrow shape. xis hair is wavy (2a), silky, and healthy; xis left sideburn and ponytail are often spiralling and floating. has a blue SOLtis throat indicator.

he's usually covered in bandages (see "scar ref" for a better view) and has ripped clothes because xi thinks it looks very cool. her typical outfits are faded green or black hanfu or qipao, and shoes are usually pointed green gongxie or slippers. hanfu of any variety works, but shenyi, big sleeves, banbi (the short-sleeve jacket), and low cut undershirts are especially great. clothes can have orange or purple accents. if ae's not in a hanfu or qipao, ae can be drawn in anything fitting of a tumblr hipster girl; oversize flannels, beanies, high-waisted skinny jeans, and loose one-shoulder tops. must be drawn with eyepatch!

天阔/tiankuo/tiantian - he/it - aircraft (masc terms) - 5'2" - blue wind powers


tiankuo, or as system members call him, tiantian (his 小名), is very untalkative. windy describes him to be "bitchy" in a half-joking way. tiankuo is extremely stable and acts as emotional regulation for the rest of the system. it enjoys being a source of help or comfort, even if that help or comfort isnt always verbal—tiankuo is a team player and is the strong, silent glue that holds others together. tiankuo is quite self-aware and is always in the mood to improve itself but it is SO stubborn and near impossible to convince him to do things; it has to judge for itself and never takes others word for things. in this way, its very trustworthy and difficult to trick or lie to him. he can be very avoidant, but doesn't play it off in the silly way that windy does; he just leaves and refuses to engage with whatever was bothering him/whatever he didn't want to do. he's very considerate, but this can easily backfire on him as tiankuo will often shield the truth or lie to others to make them feel better. 

tiankuo regards everyone with a high degree of respect but is not a huge fan of meeting new people. it prefers to be alone or with very close friends, and even then it takes a lot of energy out of him. hes usually in co-consciousness with windy but rarely fronts by himself due to his poor communication skills. he can come off as very standoffish and rude, but that's only because he hardly speaks and looks like he's scowling all the time. one can always rely on tiankuo and it usually has the best judgement and sense on things; he is an extremely good advice giver. it loves Quiet Time with friends, such as being in the same room and doing different things, or doing silent work such as gardening or writing. tiankuo hates being talked silly to, and his relationship with his 小名 (a "childish" name of endearment used by family) tiantian is both exasperation and love. tiankuo is the type of guy to speak only to say "stop playing games with me, Boy."

tiankuo's favorite thing is athletics. he loves pushing himself to his limits and seeing improvement happen, as well as working off excess anger and other emotions. it's go-to sports are lacrosse or windsurfing, which he wears the appropriate clothing for. when windsurfing, he uses his own wind powers to propel himself. you can also find it journalling (its other hobby) where he notes down his day, his thoughts, and small doodles (he is BAD at drawing!!). additionally, it partakes in its friends hobbies like gardening with earth or watching movies with flame and aqua.

physical infotiankuo is fairly skinny, with an angular face and wider hips. wings and tail have the texture of cold smooth metal, with very little give. his wings can fold farther open or closed but it prefers to keep them out, like in the reference. its tail is often swaying back and forth (stim). he has sharp teeth and green claws, and green birdlike markings on his fingers. its hair is very straight and very thick; its stiff and doesnt like to be brushed or styled any other way. he is almost always slouching (unless he's doing sport) and has his shoulders pressed to his neck. it has a light gray right thigh, foot, and arm—this is a default SOLtis body with no programmed appearance. always has his left eye uncovered. usually squinting, has eyebags, rectangle pupil, and monolid eyes. flat nose, it's just a raised bump with nostrils.

always wearing its black cropped fur lined jacket. shirt and shorts are usually dark and cool colored, shirt usually cuts just after collarbones. occasionally its shirts will have nature or airplane graphics on them. it usually wears cargo shorts, but any other kind also work as long as they are low-waisted and thigh-length or shorter. just make sure they cover its ass. always wearing two or more brightly colored belts. often barefoot. when doing sports, he wears the typical gear for them, including shoes. leave eye uncovered!

flameu - he/they/leo - lionguy (any terms, fem preferred)- 5'6" - yellow wind powers


flameu is by far the most productive and responsible system member. leo can get very anxious about stuff and will often kick others out of front to do things that are worrying them. he has a happy, infectious aura that motivates others and loves encouraging people he cares about. they are mellower and calmer than windy, but still loves to engage in silliness and especially puns. leo is very blunt and is not afraid to stand up for himself; he has a tendency to micromanage and helicopter others to make sure they're doing something in his way, which can be frustrating. he doesn't spare others' feelings and will be honest and direct; conflict resolution comes naturally to them. flameu likes to address every area of a problem and overspecify things due to anxiety. they are also a bit egotistical, seeing their methods as the best and being reluctant to accept criticism. however, this doesn't mean he's impervious to it... even a little bit of criticism can cause extreme doubt and lead to downward spirals if it happens too often. flameu tries his best to be an Ignorer about it.

leo is quite good at people interaction and being normal. hes usually smiling can carry a detailed conversation while doing other things; leo is a multitasking master. he tends to insert himself into problems without permission, though, and offers unsolicited advice. leo will look for a solution first, and then comfort the other person later. flameu is very reliable and a go-getter; he is adaptable and comfortable in unfamiliar environments, using reason to his advantage. they are a really good hype woman and collaborate well with everyone, even complete strangers. pep talks are a specialty for them and hes great at lightening the mood.

flameu is often with friends, chatting or doing group activities (having lunch, doing arts and crafts, etc.) or playing board games. flameu is a board game fanatic and is especially partial to scrabble and ticket to ride, sometimes even playing against himself because he's too good and others will refuse to play against him. leo also loves action movies, competitive cooking shows (but not great british bake off. anything else works), and computer repair. flameu can additionally be found participating in cup stacking tournaments, which leo is determined to get better at.

physical info: his posture is.. good enough (sits in weird positions sometimes). flameu is skinny and very rectanglular, with a squarer face. leo has freckles everywhere and dark lion ears. his ears are really expressive and will turn towards sound. their hair is curly (3c), but the sides and back are straightened and very dark blue. round pupil, eyebrow slit, and monolid eyes. their nose is long and sharply upturned.

usually wearing a warm colored buttonup (can be solid or patterned) and a V neck or low cut t shirt underneath. shirt can be white, black, or any off-variant of them. buttonup is usually unbuttoned and sleeves folded or rolled up to leo's elbow. high-waisted techwear style pants or pleated skirt. skirts can be thigh to knee length. pants/skirt should always have brightly warm colored straps or embellishments. long socks (to calf or almost knee length), can be any warm color, solid or patterned. biiig dark boots, don't change these! scarf floats behind them, and flickers or sparks like real fire. must be drawn with eyepatch!