[Hunter] Urqs



1 year, 8 months ago


One of Lady Maria’s hunters that resides and watches over the research hall. Iosefka was the doctor that took care of the five (six if you count the one that doesn’t want to hunt) hunters there, and did gentle tests on them all to ensure they were healthy and unafflicted by the the state of the hall and all the patients they looked after. After a series of events, Iosefka underwent a transformation that none of them foresaw, especially due to his being the only hunter at the research hall at the time and being overworked. It wasn’t until something had gone terribly wrong that he realized she was not herself, and told Lady Maria post haste. Unfortunately, this was a day or two after the operation, and he is forever altered.

Less scared of Lady Maria than Rounsfell is, but still hella scared. Tortured by her threat to beat him but shows him affection instead, causing him some anxiety of apprehension. Once sold her out to Gehrman due to being stuck between a rock and a hard place—on one hand she would likely never forgive him, and on the other he would literally be killed and woken up from the dream. He chose her wrath if only to continue walking along the path that she treads, not wanting to give that up.

Urqs Rui(n)?