Eli Xilonodel



1 year, 8 months ago



Name Eli Xilonodel
Age Young Adult (early 20s)
Gender Male
Race High Elf
Class Fighter
Archetype Battle Master
Alignment Neutral Good


Eli is pure-hearted and dumb-assed. Despite not being the sharpest crayon in the toolbox, Eli has moments of surprising insight, and his heroism is more nuanced and pragmatic than blind. Friendly and charming, Eli has managed to partly-unknowingly lead several "evil" beings down a more harmonious path in life. Battle is one of Eli's great loves, and often spends his downtime in friendly duels, tournaments, or even just shadow-fencing to keep his skills up.


  • Fighting and Training
  • Helping People
  • Traveling
  • Local cuisine


  • Squidfaceman
  • Duels to the Death
  • Undead and Fiends
  • Chain restaurants


Eli was originally a noble son of a merchant family in a great port city, unaware of the complexities of business and spending most of his time with fencing showmanship and high society. Scandalized by a false rumor that he had been paying his opponents to throw his matches, Eli challenged the rumor-monger to a duel. He defeated his rival's champion, but his rival planted a fake bribe from Eli on the defeated opponent, pretending to discover it after the match. Not one to take this trickery lying down, Eli drew his crossbow and tried to shoot the bribe out of his foe's hand, instead shooting a bolt through the bag of gold and his foe's hand. Eli's parents exiled him after this, allegedly just until time could smooth things over (given the long life span of elves), but even six years later, they made no efforts to recall him to their side, and he had fallen far too much in love with his new heroic lifestyle to hasten his return.

The Squidfaceman Conspiracy

Shortly into his journey across the land, Eli stumbled upon a dire plot of Squidfaceman (pronounced by him as squid-fuss-muhn) who sought to dominate the world with evil goopy brains and also evil brains with crab legs? He doesn't fully understand the mechanics of the plot, but he and a group of fellow adventurers opposed the villainous infiltrators all the same!


Martial Prowess [ Sword and Board ]

Eli is quite the talented swordsman, wielding a rapier in one hand and shield in the other. Eli's fighting style is very well-rounded, allowing for a strong defense, quick sudden offenses, and support for his allies, with some of his practiced maneuvers less about landing a finishing blow himself and more about opening a weak point up for his allies to exploit.

Teleportation [ Blink and you'll miss him ]

Eli's extensive physical training has allowed him to tap into elven magic in a very unorthodox fashion, ignorantly yet effectively viewing it more as a physical muscle to exert than a mystical ability. Eli is able to teleport short distances, and has incorporated these into the unique maneuver he's dubbed Blink Strike.

Weaponry [ Three varieties of poking ]

Eli carries around three rapiers at all times. His primary option is Flame Tongue, which ignites in magical flame with the use of the command word "Fwoosh". Eli can quell the flame by sheathing the weapon, or with the corresponding command word "Fwish". Eli's second sword is a Dancing Rapier, which when tossed into the air can float and fight a short distance away from him, allowing him a bit more range and flexibility on the field. As a backup option, Eli carries a more standard magical Rapier, to deal with situations where fire is ill-advised.

Umbral's Ruin, Legacy of a Sun God [ Praise the Sun! ]

In the course of his journey, Eli learned the tale of the dying god Pelor, and ended up inheriting the last vestiges of Pelor's divine might. A small ring with a orange jewel that shines with the might of the sun, Umbral's Ruin is the Artifact bequeathed to Eli, granting him the might of the sun. With this ring, Eli can set off a burst of radiant light around himself, empower his nearby allies, launch beams of radiant light than damage his foes and make them easier to target, teleport short well-lit distances, set off blinding flashes in the instants before he or an ally are wounded to potentially save them from damage, blunt attacks against himself and his allies, and deal potent Smites out against foes struck by his sword strikes. However, the ring is limited, Eli is only able to use these powers a few times per day before the ring needs to recharge with the morning sun.

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