Adam P. Andrews



1 year, 8 months ago




Ex-Captain of cargo ship SP.0.0.N



 Mother: [redacted]

Father: [redacted] 



Space station human.




(Space station humans are known to be VERY tall, always above 6'10 aside from very rare occasions. They usually only exceed to a few inches from 7ft at the tallest which is relatively common)


《○Voice claim•》

Keith (voltron)


26 yrs


《○relationship status●》

 Taken by a large himbo merman named Levi 





《○sexual orientation●》

Homosexual (mlm)



 Adam is overall very shy and anxious, he is medicated which somewhat keeps him together along with other healthy methods to cope.

He surprisingly has good leadership skills but that can somewhat be compromised if he gets low self esteem.

He's a flaming homosexual. That's it.

He's cranky however under the right circumstances and he will most CERTAINLY let you know that.


《○Backstory/other info●》

 Adam comes from a family that has rather high expectations, especially being on a station where humans tend to be more...stuck up as it were. 

He was put into an arranged marriage with his best friend Aryn, begrudgingly having to agree as coming out being attracted to men would "compromise" things in his family.

So he put up for 4 years of his life married to a women he doesn't and never will love. Rather miserable going through the motions.

Things changed after he lead the ship SP.0.0.N. having hyperdrive activated unauthorized by Adam, the ship was many light-years away from any near coloninized planets. Being pulled in by a powerful gravitational pull, therefore crashing. A crew of 200 died on the crash. Only 5 crewmembers involving Adam survived.

The planet being mostly a water planet called Allulaura. Soon building a base inside a rock formation near the water.

Not being found by any colonies as they gave up on the search assuming all crew to be dead. Adam when he went into the water after a few times found himself accidentally stabbing the tail of his now boyfriend as he mistakes him as a fish he could gather and eat.

Losing his arm in the process, now having an old prosthetic arm model as a replacement. Found in one of the cargo crates from their crashed cargo ship.