cordelia's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Faeline Global Rules

Terms of service :D



-You may alter a design, I would like it to still be recognizable!

-Please don't use design commercially before asking me >,< (usually I'm fine with it!)

-do not delete or edit your offer, just shoot me a quick message that your backing out (No worries :)!)

-please don't ghost me when offering!!

-please don't use for nfts, ai, or anything of the sort!!

-please don't claim that you made the design unless you redesigned them :)! I would still like to be credited for the past design though!

Once you buy one of my adopts, its up to you how they're used as long as its not going against any of these! its more of a polite thing, but I usually don't care what you do to them since you own them :3



-Please don't alter my art without my permission (I'm also usually fine with this)

-Please don't use it commercially before asking me (I'm not as fine with this :') )

-Don't scam using my art (and just don't scam in general 😐).

-I usually ask for payment after the sketch or once its completed, if payment isn't sent within a week then ill be reusing the line art for something else!

-I will not accept any offensive commissions.


By buying my art or adopts, you fully agree to this and understand if any rules are broken you can be blacklisted. You also understand that my terms of service may add or remove rules without any notice, in which your still obligated to follow.

I'm usually pretty lenient with all of this TwT so don't worry if you accidentally broke a rule or something.