
6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Middle aged




Hive bee




Simple blasts, howling wraiths


Weird, wanderer, missing, lost. Nobody and nothing and that's how she'd prefer to remain. The dreamer, the explorer, always a little bit daft and with her head in the clouds. She would always worry herself about silly things such as metaphysics and the nature of the wider world.

Personality: Usually fairly calm and reserved. Stubborn and dogged, rather rough around the edges and has difficulty with politeness or manners in the face of more important considerations. Despite the coarseness, she is incredibly sincere and heartfelt, and highly empathetic. She is incredibly alone, terribly so, and tries to keep her distance from strangers lest she gets too emotionally attached and be unable to let them go. It's... easier if she's not known. Furthermore, she is rather strung out, has been drawn too far and then  farther still. If her mind has been set to a task, she becomes near  obsessive in pursuit of it - she has to, damn anything else.

Mentality: Radical acceptance along with a bit of a stubborn martyrdom complex. Damn it all, she won't give up, can't give up, because there is always a way forward and a new day tomorrow. Believes strongly in fate and circumstance, and the liberation of the self from presumption or ordained roles. Once one has embraced that they are nothing, only then can they be everything. It's... a bit out there. 

Unable to fly die to a very badly shredded wing.
A ton of scars, many visible, some not. In particular, stings, either the thought of being stung or of stinging somebody, really messes her up.
Feels things... she's always felt odd impressions and notions, but after having walked the knife's edge between life and death they are much more vivid. She sees and hears and knows that injury spills more than simple blood, that emotions ebb and flow, that wild strands of fate dance and twist across the world, sometimes coalescing, tying, binding.

Charm: Telma's Resolve. As far as Hecate is aware, it is simply a memento of her past, some bauble she didn't realize had caught around her hand until after she had fled. In truth, Telma's dying act coalesced into a concentration of desperate will, an incredibly stubborn tenacity, the grim determination and focus to the extent that none but death may stop her. It is from this that she has managed to survive grievous injury and impossible odds.

Fighting style: Patient. Hangs back, observes, waits for the right moment to strike. Uses her spear to deflect and evade and subdue if possible. Cannot fly, but makes wing-assisted leaps to reposition. She is loathe to use magic offensively, but is capable of doing so if needed. 

Backstory: Hooo boy...
Hecate is the 3rd of 8 heirs to Queen Cybele. Their mother's plan was to have a multitude of royals raised at once. Her intent was to shape them all to be a model of what she wanted in the future, and that the best among them would rise to the top and succeed her. The rest... well. They wouldn't make the cut.

Unfortunately, their mother died before her time, and what was supposed to be carefully planned transition instead dissolved into a vicious and brutal war of succession, as the eight vied for a legacy and their very lives.

Hecate was always closest with the second, Telma. They got along well, shared interest in poring through what they could and trying to learn the secrets of the world. They were rival kin, yes, but quite amicable one. Telma was the more proactive one, and when their mother died she knew she had to thin the field of competition. She went for the one she could get to most easily, the one that trusted her.

Telma thought she could do it, take the knife and cut out her heart... but something in her hesitated, only just in that moment, just enough to foul her aim, wake and injured terribly but did not slay. They cried and fought bitterly and in the end only one survived, only barely, and only after unspeakable violence that turned the two of them into little more than snarling feral savages.

Hecate was betrayed, badly injured and knowing that she would meet a certain death if she remained. Shaking from the rush, she simply fled, without thought or purpose, simply into the wilderness beyond and farther still. Eventually flight turned to wandering, wandering turned to searching, and searching turned to understanding. She was never meant to succeed at home, and so she would find herself a new purpose. She roams in wild and lost places, finding lost and injured bugs and saving them, healing and helping them find their way. 

Misc. Trivia:
Hecate is a greek chthonic goddess associated with many things, particularly witchcraft, crossroads, thresholds, wayfinding and guidance.