


1 year, 8 months ago


- Might change name later, name means "handsome/beauty"

- He/him

- Hunter angel

- Luonto's mentor or Orifiels dunno been thinking about changing that

- Scars are from previous missions (lovely demons love to give lethal hugs-)

- Looks tad scary- or rather a lot cause of the constant expression he wears. Orifiel says "Jamal looks like he is constantly judging someone."

- Lowkey related to Olympia and Anshul, just look at the expression and facial features. Have similarities- who knows how closely or not closely related they are.

- Wears a lot of reds and yellows. Doesn't literally like any other colours nor isn't willing to try

- Likes passion fruit, hates kiwis though

- Has caught Virgil in the middle world- (by accidentally crossing paths,,, Virgil got mighty judged for being there since "cannot" protect nor fight back if a demon decided to attack em)

- Not fond of at all to hear whenever his apprentice Luonto gets in trouble with other young angels. It isn't pleasant to go there to solve the issues especially if elders are there

- Sometimes has trouble finding Luonto. His apprentice has a talent of hiding away which he does find bit annoying (too proud to ask if anyone has seen his apprentice-)

- Doesn't like to be touched

- More info later on