


1 year, 8 months ago






Kurma is the true definition of a leader. Strong, intellegent, patient, and level headed. He is always ready to help, whenever and wherever he is needed. He takes his position as the "leader" of his team very seriously. He cares very deeply for each and every one of his teammates, and will not accept defeat without a fight. He has quite a bit of life experience, which he uses to teach new teammates to be fearless, kind, and strong. He also often acts as the mediator if a conflict arises. He will patiently listen to anyone who needs to let out their toughts, and gladly offer comfort or advice. He often has trouble sleeping, as does his trainer, Myles. After tucking in his younger teammates Sometimes the two of them stargaze, and let a comfortable silence fall between them until they both doze off.


Kurma was chosen by Myles' as his starter pokemon. At first, Kurma was very hesitant about leaving the proffesor's lab. He was scared of change, and preffered (and thrived) in the stability of a set schedule. He was stubborn at first, and wondered what was out there really worth seeing....and why Myles was so willing to accomadate for him. After all, they barely knew each other. Trusting another so quickly surely would lead to being hurt. plus, its Myles's journey, not his...right? for a while, he preffered to stay in his ball, and to be completely left alone. He was upset and anxious about being out in the open instead of the comfort of the lab. He did appreciate that Myles respected him and his boundaries, though.

The definite turning point of his relationship with Myles was when he was willing to delay his own evolution. By the time it came around, he was still scared and felt he wasn't ready for such an important change just yet. It didn't take long after that for him to realize that he was extremely lucky to have such an understanding trainer, and they grew very close very quickly. As time passed, he started to enjoy the company of Myles and Kilo, and soon the others that joined them. He began to really trust Myles. After all, without Myles, he wouldn't have been able to open up to change, and realize that sometimes, change is not only necessary, but good. He also wouldn't have been able to see what the world really has to offer... if youre willing to leave your comfort zone. And for that, he is eternally grateful.

Giga Drain


A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.

Iron Tail


The target is slammed with a steel-hard tail. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.



The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.

Solar Beam


In this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn.