Kip's Comments

Would you take art offers for this guy?? ( Ex : )

Hello! I am currently not taking offers on this guy! sorry!

That's totally fine!! Thanks for telling me!!

I love them!! Can I do 3 full bodies and 1 headshot pixel art drawings for it?

yeah!! could you draw 2 fulls from this folder? you can choose from any folders for the other 2 drawings


I finished! I’m sending the images now.

yo this design is so cool!!

i could offer 2 icons, 1 fullbody, 2 chibi fulls, a detailed scene [ like this ], and a custom ^^

WOA OK thats a lot + your art is p cool

could you draw , and ? choose anyone else for the rest!! tell me what oc you're choosing for the scene so I can describe the background :] as for the custom, could you do a mermaid/siren (= just a mermaid with two tails and sharp ears)/anything sea-related design? i dont have other specifics so just go wild designing lol


hey, i’m so sorry mate, but i have to cancel this ^^” i thought about it for a moment, and i just don’t have the free time to complete the rest of the payments, sorry 

ah i didnt see this, sure! ill try to draw something in return later

oh, you don't have to, i really don't mind ^^

THEY LOOK COOL thank you

np!! unfortunately, that was all i had time to finish today, but i’ll try to get them all done soon :D

It's ok!! You don't have to finish all of them if you're busy :]

nah, i think it should be fine. hopefully i can have them all finished in a max of two weeks. aiming for one though

Love them anyone in my Th!!? Offlimits is 01 ,02 

But you can go through 02 i can consider few there

ty but sorry!! i dont connect with any of them and I've decided to consider another offer

Alr! Thank you anyway