


Volatile | Adjective | Adjective

How did a nice kid like me end up in a place like this?



  • Name: Ortega
  • Designation: N3-74
  • Gender: Cis Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual
  • Birthday: ??? 
  • Occupation: Raider Overboss
  • Allegiance: Nuka World, New Paragons

Ortega used to be a janitor at the Institute but planned his escape with a small group of other synths. Their plan failed, and Ortega was the only one to make it out alive. Due to a headwound he suffered during his breakout, the failsafe implanted in his brain to allow a recall or memory wipe malfunctioned; meaning he retained his memory of the Institute but sustained traumatic brain injury.

Since then he's been struggling with intense mood swings, feeling unable to regulate or manage his emotions the way he could before, and every day fighting for his life in the wasteland is pushing him closer to some sort of edge he can feel, but not see yet. He's restless and hates staying anywhere for an extended period of time, fearing the Institute are gaining on him while he sits there on a silver platter. He reacts strongly to the idea of being trapped or captured, and, if threatened, will resort to violence a lot quicker than one would expect of such a nervous man.

He is not on good terms with the Railroad, as they tried to coerce him into a memory wipe for his own safety despite this being possibly lethal for him due to the already busted synth component in his brain. They then tried to convince to staying in one of their safehouses, which he did also not agree to. The only reason things remained tense and didn't turn bloody was thanks to Darling, a very involved Railroad agent at the time. She vouched for him, and in exchange he started working for her so she could keep an eye of him in case he became a liability. For a while, he mostly accompanied trader caravans and helped out at settlements, until Darling tasked him to investigate a radio signal from Nuka World, a defunct amusement park. He was only supposed to scout the area and report back to her, but was knocked out and forced to compete in a death gauntlet set up by the raider gangs taking residence there.

After surviving the gauntlet, beating the locations' overboss Colter in combat and killing him (a staged coup by Colter's right hand man Porter Gage that Ortega had no knowledge of), Ortega was put in place as the new overboss. Gage's second plan, to puppet Ortega behind the scenes should he turn out to be an incompetent leader, never needed to go into effect as it turned out that he could be effective, authoratitive and cutthroat where he needed to be. And if he went off the rails every now and then, well, what raider didn't.

Darling, after learning of the developments in Nuka World, entered an alliance with Ortega and his raiders. The Minutemen did not like that one bit and really want both Ortega and Darling dead now, but have little to no power left in the Commonwealth, so they're more of an annoyance than a threat.



  • Height: 5''8 / 1,75m
  • Build: Thin
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
  • Species: Synth
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian



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  • ❤️❤️💔🖤🖤 - Darling - relationship
  • ❤️❤️💔🖤🖤 - Voss - relationship
  • ❤️❤️💔🖤🖤 - Porter Gage - relationship
  • ❤️❤️💔🖤🖤 - Nisha - relationship
  • ❤️❤️💔🖤🖤 - Hugh - relationship
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