Zayu E.P



1 year, 7 months ago



Permission to edit by artist: XxSyl

One doesn´t know what exactley  happened back then, but the police had found a young kid surrounded by  blood, dead people and his dead parents. Gripping tightly the sword of  the family in his hands and the words "They had to die..."with a  frightful stare. He didn´t shake, he didn´t flinch. He went along the  cops and never said anything else. Keeping silent. Identifiying the  bodies of the other three men in the house were murderers themselves. So  one thought the kid avenged his family and attacked. It s never fully  clear though.
Eric had been mysterious ever since then. From  orphanage, no family wanted to adopt this.. "somewhat creepy kid" and  being there until he was 17, learning from a visitor  it is best wise to  wear a mask. The man who adopted him turned out to be the leader of the  men Eric had "disposed" of.
Under the guidance of this myserious man, Eric became a hunter. And more digging into the kids personality and skills.
It  was a tale of weirdness and horror as in the city one by one  disappeared and the man taking over the now empty place. Having Eric on  his side.
Alongside the strong Metall powers, Eric became a truly bloody hunter. The part was.. he enjoyed it.
Loyal  to a certain level, as one day he questioned the man´s true intentions.  As it turned out just being used for his skills and powers and never  intendend on a family or even giving more rights, was kept more like a  trained dog. Hearing this out of the old mans mouth, Eric reacted. The  sword swift, the last words swifter as he said "You have no right and  power here"
Ending the reign of those who did wrong. Thing is.. Eric  was split on his mind ever since that fateful day.. meaning he has a  second him that has no idea takes over.
Making it pretty hard for those meeting him.
There is the fierceful fighter and headhunter Eric as well as the soft and gentle Eric.

Eric  Parr is a headhunter and enjoys the thrill of the hunt. While he may  put on a different persona, hiding who he is, at home he let´s out the  wild side.
His past has been teinted with blood and lead him to who he is now.

Finding  this out was at the time he had looked into the mirror after the reign  was ended, more or less talking to his more evil self. Both sides are  one as Yin and Yang, good and evil. Eric had to do something.
The mask he has was a part of what he crafted of his powers. A deal making with his other side called "Rick"
It  was a legend the family sword he posesses has split his personality as  he touched it, having powers and all but one can never know.  

The mask is always on when he is in hunt and seek mode. Letting Rick take over.
Eric  can communicate with Rick at anytime via mind. What one see´s and  hear´s, so does  the other. What one knows, so does the other. At start  it was a struggle to  keep control but later on having a kind of ..  "mutual" agreement.
After the whole place had been cleared off, he  took what he could and hid it. The police from the other place arrived,  seeing as Eric was there in the corner shivering and telling how the old  man had abused and killed all. Telling a fake story and also getting  away with it. Knowing now he could act pretty well. While his softer  side dispised violence and hatred, he can let Rick take over if he  thinks someone is evil and knows it, letting Rick handle the dirty work  for him.

Next to his secret, Eric (wears glasses and tidy hair) as he works as a barista (alongside
It  is refreshing to use his swift skilly and hands for  something good.  Preparing drinks and snacks comes easy for him. He does talk to  customers but isn´t as good as his coworker and friend. He cherishes  Richard dearly and both friends are here for another. Eric/Rick would do  anything to protect as well.

Eric hides his true intentions  when he finds his target. Swift and strong striking. He of course finds  out as much as possible before deciding if he goes through with it.  (usually gains alot more in the process)
Hates lying and betrayel and doens´t forgive.