Keiko (Ko)



1 year, 8 months ago




"No life is too small. no person is beyond hope. Kindness is the best medicine to cure evil."

Keiko, also known as Ko, is a sweet, polite young spirit. She sees the best in everyone, from the kindest in spirit to the evilest of souls. Her main goal is to spread peace and kindness throughout her kingdom. 

She tends to be very numb towards a lot of emotions. When she wants to feel something, she will do anything to feel it - even if that means putting her mental and physical health in danger. 

She seems to be polite and quiet on the outside, but her thoughts are constantly swirling... her mind is an endless, chaotic abyss. 

She is a very artistic character with a lot of creative ideas, although she doesn't have any friends to share them with. As a Goddess with lots of respect and power, a lot of citizens are uninterested in becoming her friends and would rather serve as protectors and worshippers. Because of this, she tends to get very lonely. She hopes to find a friend one day that is willing to share adventures and play with her.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis enim quis justo vulputate ullamcorper. Nam eget eleifend nisi. Nunc non nibh leo. Quisque elementum dolor et lorem sagittis maximus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent id justo varius

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