Arther Kali



6 years, 3 months ago


Full name: Arther-Ramon-Theodore-Farlyn-Emmanuel-Reiz Daeva-Aki-Ravan-Kali 


Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: pansexual

Height: 6’4”

Likes: crowns, the black and red aesthetic, being edgy/looking edgy, fake flowers, hugs, animals

Dislikes: noisy/crowded places, preps, real flowers, boredom, condenscending people, dirt

//this is the face of a lil shit who knows exactly what he did to receive this punishment.

Backstory??/general info:

Arther lives in an old castle that was abandoned by the humans long ago, and has befriended what people would consider to be scary or dangerous creatures, as he believes that everyone should have a place where they feel loved and fit in. He cares for many of the creatures, wandering out at times to gather materials that may be needed, or even talk to some of the more accepting village folk that are nearby. He is regarded as a sort of king of the castle, and he takes his responsibilities very ‘seriously’, although with the massive amounts of procrastination that comes with his carefree personality.