


1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Dulcie

Species: Dragon-demon doll

Gender: Pangender

Pronouns: Any

Height: 5'2

Sexuality: Gay

Relationship: Single

Hobbies/Interests: Witchcraft, magic, candy/sweets

Description: Dulcie is a self identified witch and absolutely adores it. They are passionate, competitive, extroverted, and can be intense at times. Other than that, they are an honest, affectionate, and supportive friend. Their best friend in particular is the gloomy moth magician, Roth. They are pretty much the light of his tunnel; they make sure to bring positivity and motivation to him but at the same time respecting the way he is. They love to do magic with him and sometimes participates with him during his shows as a collaboration. Dulcie is also clinically autistic. They may struggle with tone and with obsessions a bit, but that doesn't stop them from being a lovable plushie.

Origin: Dulcie was a doll that was brought to life to be an assistant via witchery many centuries ago. Any specifics to his story in it's early days, however, is completely lost to his memory. His interest in fully becoming his own witch originated from his desire to connect with whoever his creator was. (The complete blank in his memory from that time period is quite bizarre; perhaps there was a memory wipe at some point?)

