
Name: Megatron

Age (Human Terms): 54

Vehicle Mode: Russian T-14 Tank/B-2 Stealth Bomber

Personality: Kind, Intelligent, Creative, Caring, Strong Willed

Likes: Writing, taking walks in nature, chatting with friends, animals, silence.

Dislikes: Loud noises, conflict, violence, seeing his friends in pain, needles, the color purple.

Abilities: Leadership, Personal Gravity Manipulation

Main Weapon(s): Single Barrel Fusion Cannon, Energon Mace

Basic Bio: Megatron worked as a Energon miner but was shown to have a level of intelligence of a high working librarian. So at the decision of the Council he was brought before them and tested his knowledge of Cybertronian history, which Megatron aced. Seeing this the Council appointed Megatron to clerk of the Iacon Records. It was there he began to write his goals and views of Cybertron and society. Soon he began to amass a following. But Megatron kept to himself, organizing the records and talking with his fellow clerks. But Orion Pax wanted nothing more than to get rid of his supposed competition, so when he “killed” Sentinel Prime, he framed Megatron. 

Little did Orion Pax, now Optimus Prime, know that this single action would spark revolution.