Kimberly O. Kay



1 year, 6 months ago


PositionClubhouse Front Desk Attendant
Real NameKimberly O. Kay
Employee ID70003
LikesOld magazines, tennis, fountain pens.
DislikesBad hair days, golf, impatient patrons.
Age + Height~30, 5'5"

Possibly the most well-known front desk assistant in the Bossbot Country Club due to her overwhelmingly, almost sickeningly agreeable attitude and incredible efficiency. Anyone who isn't stuck in the Cog status quo might view her behavior as unnerving, but those among the crowd and even she herself view it as normal. As her name might lead on, the word she utters most is a chirped, high-octave 'okay!'.

Chipper and enthusiastic and always willing to help. Mostly. Has a shocking amount of agency for someone so dedicated to agreeing with people. Stubborn if it means it’s for someone’s own good.

Nobody knows what the ‘O’ stands for, but it’s rumored that it stands for ‘Oilcan’, seeing as she has a pretty cushy position for a Yesman… but, it’s just a rumor. Don’t think about it too hard, O-K-?


Brandy Deele: Not exactly on amicable terms with her, seeing as a short-lived fling between the two ended on a sour note. As such, Kimberly only coldly refers to her as Ms. Deele to her face. She'll keep things cordial, but that's about the end of it. It's clear her politeness around the Sellbot is incredibly strained.

Claude: I know what you are.

Noisy Valentine: Isn't sure why she's trying to pursue something with Brandy, but has no qualms in letting it happen. While Kimberly has told Taffeta it's a risky operation, she doesn't seem to care. Kimberly's content with watching the fallout. Or see something totally out of the norm blossom. Either one is good office gossip! And whatever she has to say to keep a flying pie out of her face, she'll say it... this hair took time...

Additionally, Kimberly has pretty good relationships with the regional managers in her department. Particularly notable is her budding friendship with Chip Revvington. The same can be said for Acorn Acres' roaming regional manager, Spruce Campbell.


Pound Key
  • "I'll, like, just punch in this number."
  • "This is gonna cause a slight pounding sensation. Sorry ‘bout it!"
  • "I have, like, so much clout."
  • "Take this for a spin, and stuff."
  • "You’re totally gonna flip over this."
  • "I wanna make sure we, like, stay in touch, OK?'"
Razzle Dazzle
  • "I'm, like, so charming, right?"
  • "Say Whiskey.”
  • "Read my, like, lips, OK?”
  • "I'm gonna seriously pile it on now."
  • "OK, so. I totally hate to knock you off your pedestal, and stuff, but like..."
  • "You so won’t see this coming.”


Cog Capacity: Kimberly increases the amount of Cogs that can appear in the fight by 1, totaling up to 5 Cogs in one sitting.

Complimentary Refreshments: Kimberly heals all Cogs present and cleanses them of all negative debuffs. This can cause Cogs to become Overcharged.

Redirection: Kimberly has a flat 2.5x increased miss rate applied consistently throughout the battle. This cheat is passive.


Face-Off Taunts
  • "Alright, let's, like, nip this in the bud."
  • "Party of four, making an appointment for a fight. 'K, I've got you covered!"
  • "Can I get'cha signed up for a membership?"
  • "I think I've, like, heard about you Toons somewhere... you're, like, blacklisted."
Death Taunts
  • "Come back another time, we're sooo busy."
  • "That's what you get for like, cutting in line."
  • "Sorry I couldn't help you. But it's kinda my job not to, sooo..."
  • "I can't let you stay here when you're wearing, um... that."
Friend Request Denials
  • "Umm... O-K." Kimberly 's terse tone says no.
  • Kimberly smiles, but one side droops a little. "No can do, some high-up Suits would so not jive with that."
  • "Someone pretty important told me to stay away from you," Kimberly mutters, "no offense."
  • Kimberly just nods and smiles, with no emotion behind her eyes.
Attempt to Sue
  • "You're gonna wanna reconsider that, if you wanna keep your assets."
Attempt to Fire
  • "Umm... yeah, you can try, but that's not gonna work. I've got connections."