


1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Juniper

Race: Unicorn (cursed into humanoid form)

Gender: Femme, she/her or they/them

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 23

Family: Lamorna (mother), Elidon (father)

Class: College of Glamour Bard/Divine Soul Sorcerer

Setting: Eberron, WBtW

Juniper was once a lost child taken in by the Witchlight Carnival, a planes-traveling faire, and its resident displacer beast, Dirlagraun. Despite finding a home amongst the carnies and constant festivities, she knew a part of her was always missing; the scar on her forehead proved as much. Her soul-searching brought her into contact with a visiting wizard, who promised to point her in the right direction so long as she lent a portion of her magic to him. It wasn't long before her naivety and insatiable need to please were taken advantage of, and she soon found herself fleeing from the wizard's grand tower, lest she become an unwilling source of endless enchantment. Aided in her escape by a shifter in the right place at the right time, she now lays low in Sharn, the City of Towers, as she continues to search for her missing piece: her horn.

Spotify Playlist:

Level 4
Level 3
Class: College of Glamour Bard
Divine Soul Sorcerer
Alignment: Lawful Good
Armor Class: 13Initiative: +2Speed: 30 feet per round
Saving Throws
  • Strength: +0
  • Dexterity: +5 (Bard)
  • Constitution: +0
  • Intelligence: -1
  • Wisdom: +3
  • Charisma: +7 (Bard)
Skill Proficiencies
  • Deception: +7 (Feylost)
  • Medicine: +5 (Variant Human)
  • Perception: +8 (Bard, Expertise)
  • Performance: +7 (Bard)
  • Persuasion: +10 (Bard, Expertise)
  • Sleight of Hand: +7 (Feylost)*
*(TCoE alternative skill proficiency rules used)
Other Proficiencies
  • Armor: Light armor (Bard)
  • Languages: Common, Sylvan (Variant Human), Goblin (Feylost)
  • Tools: Lyre, disguise kit, playing card set (Bard)*, herbalism kit (Feylost)*
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
*(TCoE alternative skill proficiency rules used)
Notable Features
  • Fey-Touched- Juniper's time traveling with the Witchlight Carnival has affected her in many ways, granting her natural charisma and additional spells. She can cast Misty Step and Charm Person once per long rest without expending a spell slot.
  • Jack of All Trades- Juniper's magic seems to influence her every action, but it seems particularly helpful in the case of skills. She can add an additional +1 to any check that doesn't already include her proficiency bonus.
  • Song of Rest- Something about Juniper's voice is particularly soothing, and it seems to be able to relieve even the worst pain. If anyone in her party regains hit points on a short rest by spending hit die, they can add an extra 1d6 HP to their roll(s).
  • Expertise- Juniper is incredibly perceptive of the world and living creatures around her, and this allows her to be particularly persuasive when it comes to getting what she wants. Her proficiency bonus for Perception and Persuasion are doubled.
  • Mantle of Inspiration- As a bonus action, Juniper can spend one of her Bardic Inspiration to don her Mantle of Inspiration, which causes her whole body to glow in a gentle light as the sweet smell of lavender fills the air. Up to 4 creatures that can see her are granted 5 temporary hit points, and they can use their reaction to move up to their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Enthralling Performance- Once per long rest, if she sings or plays her lyre for one minute, she can choose up to four creatures within 60 feet of her that watched or heard her performance. These creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by her. When charmed by her in this way, the creatures speak praises of her, and they attempt to stop anyone who opposes her, avoiding violence unless they were already inclined to fight for her.
  • Font of Magic- Juniper carries natural celestial magic within her blood, though her hornless state leaves her unable to tap into her full potential. She has access to sorcerer cantrips and spells, and she has three sorcery points, which can use to influence these sorcerer spells. She can either create sorcerer spell slots with these points, or turn sorcerer spell slots into points.
  • Metamagic- Juniper can further influence her natural magic to suit her needs and aid those around her. By spending sorcery points, she can do one of two things: Quicken her spell, allowing any spell that costs an Action to cast instead cost a Bonus Action; or Twin her spell, which allows her to target a second creature with a spell, so long as the spell doesn't normally target multiple creatures.
  • Divine Magic- Juniper's celestial heritage allows her to cast spells normally only reserved for clerics. Further, due to her lawful nature, she knows the spell Bless, and it doesn't count against her spells known.
  • Favored by the Gods- Once per short or long rest, if Juniper fails a saving throw or misses an attack roll, she can add an additional 2d4 to the total in hopes of changing its outcome. Even in the worst of situations, the tide seems to sway in her favor.
Current Weapons
  • Dagger- A backup given to her an old friend at the carnival. It doesn't look like it's had much use. +5 to hit, 1d4 + 2 piercing damage.
Current Items/Treasure
  • Backpack- Clearly handmade, with giant leather butterfly wings made to look like they're sprouting from the wearer's back. Pouches in the shape of grubs can be opened at their mouths.
  • Traveler's clothes (padded with Leather Armor)
  • Butterfly locket- A handmade wooden locket with a very worn hemp necklace. Inside is a tuft of black hair from Dirlagraun, her adoptive displacer beast mother. This acts as her focus for her magic.
  • Lyre
Current Items/Treasure (Continued)
  • Disguise kit
  • Playing card set
  • Herbalism kit
  • Spinning top- A wooden top with four sides. Each side has been carved with images for each season, such as pumpkins for autumn.
  • Moondial- A small sundial with the style of a pocketwatch. Curiously enough, it only seems to tell time at night.
  • Teacup- A small porcelain teacup with painted frogs soaking in a hot spring on its surface. It keeps all liquid in it lukewarm.