🔥 🕯Fabled Ember🕯🔥's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

frenesi Global Rules


By owning my designs you automatically agree to this and I will enforce it when nessicary.

If you have any questions then contact me either through TH DMs or somehwere here: https://frenesi.crd.co/


You may not re-sell a design for more than what it is worth UNLESS you add art.  ONLY commissions and personal work will add to the oc's value.

  • Sketches, art trades, freebies/raffle art, DTCAY peices, gift art, ArtFight peices and requests DO NOT add value to the design.
  • If you are buying a design of mine off of someone, I urge you to check the ownership logs because I make sure to put how much an oc was sold for/how it was obtained.
  • You may not resell/trade raffles/freebies you get from me unless you add art that doesn't fall under the catagories above.
  • If you win a design through a raffle just for the purpose of trading/selling it, just send it back to me and I'll give it to someone who would actually use them.
 Designs obtained through trade or art can only be sold for the equivilant worth of what was traded/drawn. Do not try to bolster worth without added art.


For the most part, I am okay with re-designs and editing my work AS LONG AS it is not:

  • Extreme redesigns (such as changing a design from what it was into something completly unrecogniseable)
  • Turning them into Closed/Semi/Open-species.
  • Making an entire species based on that specific design. Doing this will land you on my blacklist.
  • Turning them into dogs/cats/warriors ocs. This is just a general nit-pick of mine.
  • NSFW edits over MY work. Why the fuck would you do this. Doing this will land you on my blacklist.
PLEASE RUN ANY REDESIGNS/EDITS TO MY WORK BY ME. I am not always comftarble with every redesign that is made.

Also please keep the original design on the profile, be it in a tab or a sub gallery. It can be hidden but as long as its there then it's fine.


Please don't draw/write gross shit of my designs. I am not comftarble with the following: 

  • Pedophilia, zoophilia, pro-shipper/lolicon related shit.
  • Feral porn/animal genitals. I shouldn't have to explain why this is gross.
  • Homophobic, transphobic or racist shit.

 If you condone/consume any of this content please just fucking block me and stay away from me and my work. Like at all.


I am okay with Co-Owns, however I wont dupe profiles as it gets confusing. Any disputes between the owners are to be left between the owners. Don't get me involved I won't respond.

Commercial usage (such as making merch or games) is fine with me as long as I get credited for the creation of the design. You own the rights to that design, I just made it. Also don't use my art for commercial uses.

Intentionally delete designs or take them offsite. It's extreamly hard to keep track of them offsite so please keep everything onsite.

I’m fine with designs being privated/set to auth only, however don’t do this to bypass the rest of my TOS as it very much still applies to you.

Chargeback or ask to be refunded after the design has been sold to you. I will revoke the design if you do this.


If you are blocked/blacklisted by me OR have me blocked/blacklisted then don't try to own or offer on my stuff. Plain and simple. Do not try to evade this.

  • If you do obtain/offer a design while KNOWINGLY being blocked by me/having me blocked then it will land you on my blacklist.

If you owned a design prior to being blocked/blacklisted, then I don't really give two shits as to what you do with that design. Just don't try to obtain more of my work. The rest of this TOS still applies to you.


The users below are not allowed allowed to own my designs. The only exception to this is if they owned any prior to being blacklisted.

Please don't message me about what these users do UNLESS its related to them trying to obtain my work. I literally do not fucking care as to what these people do on the internet and I will just ignore any messages or DMs regarding them. 

Do not harrass anyone on this list, this is just to protect my work.

Last TOS update: 17th July, 2024