Raven Nightwish



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Raven Nightwish

Name Pronunciation

r-A-y v-ah-N na-I-t W-iSH


600+ years of various lives. Currently early 20's


Various. Currently Female


Sex Dependant. Currently She/Her


Raven Nightwish is a Reborn. A fictional existence I created wherein her soul reincarnates into the moment of conception, at the exact moment of her death.
This new body is of any species, sex, and wellbeing, dependant on the new parents.
Raven retains her memories from all previous lives.
Further, in her original life, Raven was born blind. In each subsequent life, she takes to blinding herself (often with just covering her eyes), in preference of her original state. Her soul, to combat this, has developed a 'sense' for all things within a short range of her. Approximately 1 metre, or 3 feet. With focus, she can extend this range to about 5 metres, though the mental overload of so much information is tiring. This sense allows her to 'feel' everything at a nanoscopic scale.

In most lives, she takes to using a Rapier for self-defence, and rarely enjoys the feel of clothing, excluding times when she is a furless creature.

Raven is the sister of Magda Nightwish (An unborn whom is an extradimensional creature which inhabits the former body of her birth sister, and has grown familial kinship with her siblings), and Khan Nightwish (A mortal who extracts the souls of victims with a holy gauntlet, providing him incredible power, functional immortality, and insanity).
While Raven is apathetic to the general world order, and general mortals especially, she does have a few favourites whom she shares a more emotional bond with, as well as a deep love for her siblings, who get to see her earlier personality re-emerge.
While described as apathetic, she is not cruel. She does not hold attachment to many things, much as a human may not hold attachment to the individual drones of an ant nest, nor perhaps even the nest itself, the field it sits in, nor the country the field resides.

Raven uses different pronouns for the various sexes she has, though was originally born female, and currently is now.
Raven is Greysexual and Aromantic. She has no desire to seek out sexual partners, but is not objectional to the needs of others.