Vincent Spivakovsky



6 years, 4 months ago


Name (& pronunciation): Vincent Spivakosky (Vin-sent Spee-vuh-koh-skee)

Date of Birth (& age): Feb. 8th, 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Height: 5'11"

Personality/Attitude: Usually lenient and laid-back; Enjoys joking around and playing “shoot the paper basketball into the wastebasket” as well as paper football, but he becomes an entirely different person during a game or under a stressful situation. Inquisitive and knowledgeable as well as cautious, but at the same time comes off as innocent and carefree.

Hobbies/Interests: Basketball/Paper Football, Likes playing board games from time to time, Reading if he’s really bored, Plays Guitar

Likes: Food, Basketball, Sweets (Especially Pocky and Soda), Other Sports (Mainly Volleyball and Tennis), Guitar, Vocaloid/Anime

Dislikes: Sour/Spicy foods, Medicine, Any type of violent or contact sport  (Football/Rugby/Taekwondo/etc.)

Relationship Status: Single


Likes anime and playing his guitar in his free time.

He’s popular in class, but only because he’s one of the basketball team’s star players.

He gets somewhat frustrated when he loses badly, and often gets in trouble and gets injured trying to interrupt or stop fights.

He once attended a summer academy after a rough season where he was taught about what professional basketball players do; He combined what he learned from there and from street basketball to create his style of play.