Takuya Kobayashi



6 years, 4 months ago


Name (& pronunciation): Takuya Kobayashi (Tock-oo-yah Koe-buy-awe-shee)

Date of Birth (& age): December 11th / 21

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Height: 5'7"

Personality/Attitude: He's extremely lenient despite being the boss and owner of Kobayashi's Deceit, the bar that his father formerly owned. He's generally lazy, but won't hesitate to do his job because of how passionate he is about making his bar successful. He's not really optimistic, but manages to have a good outlook on most things in life anyways. He's easily impressed and thrilled, and sometimes acts way out-of-hand - so much so that there've been theories and rumours about him being clinically insane. He's extremely straightforward and won't hesitate to tell somebody the facts. He's also known to have no fear.

Hobbies/Interests: Music/Playing Instruments, Writing, Doodling, Brewing

Likes: Music, morbid/dark things, video games/anime, alcohol, money

Dislikes: Being in crowds, Being threatened/hurt, being scared, when his bar gets trashed, when people steal stuff

Relationship Status: Single / Panseuxal/Panromantic


Wants to write a successful horror novel and make a lot of money.

Was often bullied as a child which lead to him snapping temporarily and beating up said bullies with drumsticks; He now takes criticism somewhat well but will not hesitate to defend himself with violence.

His bar was formerly owned by his father, who taught him how to brew alcohol. One day, his dad up and left for the U.S., leaving him and the bar behind. He decided to take it upon himself to make it successful and enjoys his job.