Azariah Regime



6 years, 2 months ago


"Out of my sight wretch, you seem to be under the false hope you are actually worth something to this world. When in reality- it will GLADLY allow me to permanently remove you from it!"


Energy Level: XXII
Strength: 22
Aura: 22
Vitality: 9
Resistance: 5
Dexterity: 30
Stamina: 9
Skill: 11
Intelligence: 45
Persuasion: 5
Luck: 3
Magic:Void Magic
Paths: (Void Magic), (Aura Magic)
Untaught Paths: (Chronological Magic),(Stardust Magic),(Ascendancy Magic),(Regicide Magic)

Name: Azariah
Age: 9-20
D.O.B: 1,028 P.V.E. (Tempest Vessis.)
Gender: Appears Androgynous. (His sex is Male, however.)
Eye Color: An unnatural Purple
Skin Color: Tanned
Hair Color: Black
Height: Five Foot Eleven
Weight: One hundred thirty-three pounds.
Relatives: Sixteen siblings, seven sisters, and nine brothers. Fourth youngest in the family. Has a father and a mother, as well as an uncle.
Relationship Status: Single - However due to the fact he is Asexual he is not planning on looking for a relationship at all.
Sexuality: Asexual
Defect: He has no sight in his left eye, he had to have a kidney removed from his body that had become far too decayed to recover. His mind has been damaged as well, leaving him to have a few disorders.

Clothing: Azariah's clothing tends to be a very large dark purple coat that he never buttons up, with three gold buckles that would be used to buckle it up. A black undershirt as well as a pair of tight-fitting black fabric pants, typically he wears two small golden bracelets around his wrists and a broken left half of a jester mask with the eye slot filled in with a piece of black fabric with a purple + on it. The tops of his hands have small metal lines that follow along with his veins and link up to small pods of liquid on his shoulders- hidden by his clothing. 

Personality: Azariah is what many would consider to be a bit unstable. He has trouble handling his emotions and may explode with anger, sorrow or even excitement or happiness at relatively small events or incidents. He has a bit of trouble understanding the repercussions of an action, causing him to do or say things that many would consider to be rather dumb things to do. (Like putting your hand on a hot element, or punching someone and not expecting them to be hurt.) He also has trouble communicating with others well, as he doesn't think about how to word himself and just says whatever is on his mind at a given time.

He doesn't mean to do this however, he simply has trouble thinking before doing things. He genuinely feels remorse and scolds himself constantly, but he will just forget the lessons he has learned within a few hours. However one way to quickly piss him off is to mention his eye- or his mask, specifically trying to insult him for either thing will result in him lashing out, sometimes violently. Oddly enough, however, he doesn't actually get mad if someone accidentally calls him a girl or states they can't figure out from a glance which sex he is.

Appearance: Azariah has extremely fair and soft looking skin, with a few curves that are not really noticeable underneath his clothes. He has some semi-long eyelashes and thin eyebrows. His hair on the left side of his head is completely shaved- on the right side it is down to his neck but is styled to curve back upwards at chin level. He has long purple nails that are extremely sharp- likely could be used as a deadly weapon if the need arises. However, does make scratching at sensitive places a tad hazardous. Has a few scars on their face and a large burn mark on the palm of his left hand. 

Extra Details: Azariah is almost completely immune to all forms of disease and toxins, almost to the degree Arcus is. However Arcus' is a result of his mutations actually working, while Azariah's are from self-experimentation.  


Azariah is actually the most like their father than any other sibling in terms of his desires- having a huge devotion towards the unknown and science.

Azariah's nails are fake, made out of a metal material and painted purple so they could be used as weapons if he was ever in a tight spot.

The Liquid inside Azariah's pouches are actually a concoction of toxin antidotes, healing potions, and blood thickener. In the event, he is ever critically injured or in a dire situation, he can simply activate them to (hopefully) prolong his life until he can actually get proper medical attention.

Whenever Azariah casts his magic- (Especially through his hands) he tends to fidget and shake a lot, and he has the tenancy to lose control- making his magic inaccurate but also highly unpredictable and especially deadly. 
Timeline Differences

These are differences in the timeline, that will apply based on what AU Arcus is in.

In the standard timeline, when Arcus decides to abandon his family due to their genocidal plan for the Terrans, Azariah will begin a plan to create a weapon capable of killing Arcus. A mechanized being powered by deadly Light of Venalis Magic Cores- (A Light Magic designed to kill Void Mages) and Ice Magic Cores. (Arcus' crippling weakness.)

In the Archon AU if Arcus decides to leave his family he will still go through with his plan regardless, the only difference is he will have a lot more relevant data on how Arcus fights and what his limits are- making this mechanized being a lot more deadly for him.. 


NoteBook: A notebook where he keeps all his scientific readings and discoveries.