


1 year, 8 months ago


Ein Heimlich, male, 24 years old

Fleet admiral currently sailing on board of Queen Maria as part of the Royal Navy (of an unspecified fictional country)

Youngest in the Marine history to hold this position, is held in high regard by some and criticized by others because of that. He himself remains neutral about this achievement 

For the most part takes his job seriously, and may appear stern and unemotional when fulfilling his duties. However, those that know him well enough realize that he genuinely cares about the crew under his command

Usually soft spoken, and may even appear playful when in a good mood. This is a double edged sword however, as he is not above toying with people he thinks are entertaining or could be useful

Is often underestimated due to his age and subdued demeanor, with many at first thinking that he's just a pushover. In reality, however, he's a very intelligent man who's always planning ten steps ahead

An expert in reading people and situations, it's little wonder that he's gained such a high rank