Viktor Azarov



6 years, 7 months ago


Name:  Viktor Azarov

Age: 25

Nationality: Ukrainian

Socioeconomic Level as a child: Middle Class

Socioeconomic Level as an adult: High Class

Hometown: Odessa, Ukraine

Current Residence: Manhattan, New York

Occupation: Has no occupation, spends time training

Talents/Skills: Knows how to do business, good at bargaining, boxing, sword fighting, survival skills, leaderships skills, and communication skills.

Birth order: Middle child

Siblings (describe relationship): Stefani (oldest) not very close to her, resents her for leaving the family.
Nikita (youngest) overprotective of her, but due to his promise to Sal, he can no longer protect her so closely. Nikita lives with their parents still.

Grandparents (describe relationship): Grandparents died when he was at a very young age. Yearns to meet them from all the stories his father told about them.

Significant Others (describe relationship): To Viktor, Sal is wonderful and he is very romantic when the two are alone. To Sal, Viktor is her Champion and keeps him on her side by tricking him into believing she loves him. 

Relationship skills: People he hates, condescending and analytical. With people he doesn't know, he can be seen as cold and to the point. With those he talks to regularly, he is firm but almost warm, even more warm with Champions he is friends with.  Sal is the only person where his personality shifts from stoic to more of a puppy in love.

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 216 lbs 

Race: White

Eye Color: Redish brown

Hair Color: Brown

Viktor is a 25 year old male living in Manhattan, New York when the story begins. Viktor has already met Sal and promised to follow her orders. He's a devote follower, and eventually becomes her lover. Viktor became a Champion early in his life. When he was 12, he fell off his fathers boat back when they lived in Odessa and drowned. Little does he know that Sal was the one who whispered into his ear for him to jump into the water and drown. Sal then "saved" him by reviving him when his body had landed on the shore. After that, he has a fear of water but remembers Sal's voice as soft and promised her his allegiance. Growing up he learned to fight, specifically boxing and eventually learned to use swords. He is skilled and light on his feet.
Viktor's personality is serious. He has a dry sense of humor but when Sal is around his attitude shifts completely. He's known as the stick in the mud but he is capable of having fun and smiling it's just often rare. He likes to get things done instead of just sitting around and doing nothing. This makes him antsy and quick to take action. 

Viktor despises Thomas, for the sole fact that Thomas is corrupted and still gets Sal's attention, despite Thomas not wanting it. Although the type of attention she gives Thomas isn't romantic in the slightest, Viktor is jealous of him. He believes the second Thomas came into the picture, everything he had built up with Sal had gone into the drain. 

voice sounds like Nickolai Stoilov as Leonid in Metro but less energy to it. Sounds high pitched like Leonid but angry and slow?