
1 year, 7 months ago


TOON NAMED THE FILE MIKALS TROPHY THATS SO FUNNY i love suddenly gaining new kitties through the power of death and destruction and murder and maiming this kitty is now full of Violence

Story: Fantasy Story
Age: ???
Height: 4'5
Gender: ???
Pronouns: she/her - it/its
Fantasy Story Toyhouse folder

Everly is a friend of Waverly's, becoming attracted to their antics after they began to antagonize the Kingdoms as a whole, rather than being stuck in the Hearts Kingdom. Everly was immediately amused by the chaos that Waverly would cause, and began to silently follow them to see what they would do. Waverly never seems to mind, and though the two don't often interact directly, they still consider the other to be their closest friend.

Everly often provides wordless suggestions to Waverly on how to improve the reaction they would recieve for their pranks. However, these suggestions would often increase the number of people who would get hurt as a result, so Waverly always declines. They're a little scared of Everly for this, despite how funny she seems. Everly sees no problem with it, and simply shelves her ideas to use herself later. Maybe one of these days she can give something to Waverly that they'll actually use.