


6 years, 3 months ago



"Mind if we spend the day together?"

  • Name ||Strawberryfreckle
  • Prefix ||For her pelt
  • Suffix ||For her Freckles
  • Age ||35 Moons
  • Gender ||Genderfluid
  • Sex ||Female
  • Pronouns ||She : Her : They : Them
  • Sexuality ||Pansexual
  • Romanticism ||Panromantic
  • Clan ||RushClan
  • Rank ||Warrior
  • Clan Loyalty ||70%
  • Belief in StarClan ||0%
  • Theme || I'm not her
  • Theme || Passenger
  • Theme || Take us Back
  • Last Updated || 02 . 03 . 19

[Astute ||"having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage."]
Strawberryfreckle is a cat who seems to be able to get to understand about someone, just by observing them. This allows them to know who to avoid and who is ok to speak to. This also goes for a situation that might not be well suited to them. Although the down side to this, would be is that they often might avoid cats who might help them for the future. Although this doesn't always work out for her.

[ Intelligent || "having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level."]
Strawberryfreckle is a cat who loves to learn about new things, especially if its something that she can use to her advantage to work. Although she also loves to learn about things that wouldn't particularly help her, but just what she sees. Learning about whats around her. Due to her loving learning she learns really quickly and often has very good memory with these facts.

[ Selfless | Definition: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish.]
She will do anything even if it means putting herself at risk. She is almost always concerned for others more than herself, even if it doesn't seem that way. Some wonder if he has another reason for being so selfless, although in reality, she just wants to help and make sure everyone is ok.
[Reserved | Definition: slow to reveal emotion or opinions. ]
Strawberryfreckle is a Quiet molly. She is a cat of few words. She chooses her words wisely and who she speaks to. On top of this she also does all she can to keep her emotions remained hidden. Again, she chooses wisely who can see her emotions.

Loving || "feeling or showing love or great care."
Strawberryfreckle is a sweet young cat, with space in her heart for anyone and everyone. Especially when it comes to her friends and family. This love she has for others shows no bounds, and thus Clan borders mean little to it. She will happily have many many friends with those across the clans.

Idealist || "a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical considerations."
Strawberryfreckle is a cat who can often be seen alone. Daydreaming. They wouldn't tell anyone, but they dream of their perfect family they could have in the future. A loving mate, and kits all around them. Although they are often seen and questioned about their daydreaming, they often get too flustered and shy away.
Pessimistic || "tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen."
Often Strawberryfreckle struggles to see the brighter side of life. Often seeing the negatives more than they do the possitives. At times they can often feel like an outcome is hopeless. And more often than not it can put them into a negative spin, which they can struggle to escape from.

[Gullible || "easily persuaded to believe something; credulous."]
Strawberryfreckle is really easily persuaded into things, and is very trusting to those around her. Believing that those around her are unlikely to lie to her. Making it so she will believe most things, the closer you are to her, the more likely she will trust you.

[ Clingly | Definition: "(of a person) too emotionally dependent." ]
Strawberryfreckle is very dependant on those she's close to, while she was a kit, it was her parents and Siblings, now as a older cat she's looking for that special someone to be there for her, although she'd often seen around her siblings or her friends, until they come along.



  • Height || 19 Cm
  • Build || Short and chubby
  • Eyes || Green
  • Skin tone || Brown / Pink
  • Pelt Colour || Cream and red
  • Marking Colours || Red
  • Fur Length || Long
  • Fur Thickness || Thick
  • Demeanor || Quiet and Timid

⇀ Important RP'd Moments

  • --
  • --
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⇀ Kithood

Strawberrykit was brown in the Not long made RushClan. Many cats were still getting to know their new RuneClan mates. Although their mother, Feathereyes, a blind red molly, had finally given birth to a litter of Four kits. With no mate to be seen, she was all alone in this world. Un able to see her children, she was unsure how to even name them. That was when a former RuneClan molly approached Feathereyes, telling her that her kits were beautiful. Feathereyes went on to tell her how she couldn't see her kits. And thus the molly described the kits. A bright red tom, with a swirling pattern along his pelt, with a white tail tip. Feathereyes named him Cardinalkit. Another tom, with a pale pelt and a red chest, leading to his back, she named him Robinkit. A pale molly with a dilute swirl markings on her pelt, Cherrykit. And lastly, a small red molly with a swirl pelt, and white tail. Strawberrykit.

The mother would purr as she could finally name her children. It was from that day when the Runeclanner continued to spend time with Feathereyes and kits. Before long Feather got to know the molly's name, Blossomwing. The two got to know each other, Feather got to know that Blossom lost her mate in the drought, telling her about how her mate was a beautiful white molly. Feathereyes sympathised, telling her how she had no mate, and how she never had, telling the molly that she wanted to start a family with or without a mate, so she had a cat help her. She also told her how she wasn't born blind, but over time lost her eye sight, telling her how it had only been about five moons since it was completely lost.

As the kits continued to grow and soon would find their noses within everything. They'd discover that their mother was spending a lot of time with Blossomwing. Not that it was a problem. They liked the attention they were given. And it was often funny having the molly chase after them. Often Robinkit and Strawberrykit would be found around Blossomwing and Feathereyes, quiet and shy, the two of them would struggle to roughhouse like their siblings would.

Before long it was time for the kits to leave the nursery, time for the four of them to be made apprentices. And so they were, their ceremony began and they all recieved their mentors. Then towards the end of the ceremony, it was announced that both Blossomwing and Feathereyes had become mates. The litter couldn't have been happier for their two mothers.

⇀ Apprenticeship

Strawberrypaw was mentored by a cat called Seedbreeze. A sandy coloured molly, with bright blue eyes. Strawberry was Seed's first apprentice, a test if you will for Seed, as she was a younger warrior of 13 moons. At first it was a challenge, because Seed had no idea what she was doing, and Strawberry wasn't comfortable with either her brother Robinpaw, or her mothers around. But Seed quickly caught onto this, and thus Strawberry would begin her training with her siblings. Allowing Seedbreeze to learn from older warriors too on how to train her apprentice.

While Strawberrypaw was training with a apprentice they'd never trained with before, his name being Darkpaw, they seemed to become smitten with the tom. And thus they'd try and get to be with the tom as much as possible, and when they were with Robinpaw, they'd often talk about Darkpaw. It annoyed their brother a bit, but he was happy to see his sister happy.

Although it wasn't long before it all came crashing down, a mere moon before their warrior ceremony, Strawberrypaw finally plucked up the courage to go and tell the tom how they felt. Within the distance Darkpaw could see the molly approaching and before they got to him, the tom got up and approached them. Strawberrypaw thought he felt the same way, smiling they were about to part their jaws. But before they could speak, the tom spoke in a aggressive manner

"I don't like you Strawberrypaw, and I never will, you disgust me"

Their eyes began to water as they looked to the tom for a moment in disbelief, taking a pace back, and began to sob, that was when Cardinalpaw barged his way forward, challenging Darkpaw, while Robinpaw and Cherrypaw comforted their sister.

⇀ Warriorhood

Before long it was time for the siblings to become warriors, they had completed their training and thus were now ready to continue with the next stage of their life.

Cherrypaw earned the name of Cherryrose, for her beauty, and charismatic nature. Cardinalpaw earned the name Cardinaltalon for his strength and bravery. Robinpaw earned the name Robincrest, for his fur that stuck up on his back and head. And Strawberrypaw earned the name Strawberryfreckle, for their small freckles dotted around their pelt. As the siblings looked they could see their mothers happy to see their kits grown into warriors.

Although they weren't the only ones to be made warriors, no Darkpaw had also recieved his name, Darkstride, for his ambition. The siblings would glare at Darkstride, not that it really effected the tom, no, he just went off to do his own thing. While the four siblings would go and greet their mothers.

Although they weren't the only ones to be made warriors, no Darkpaw had also recieved his name, Darkstride, for his ambition. The siblings would glare at Darkstride, not that it really effected the tom, no, he just went off to do his own thing. While the four siblings would go and greet their mothers. After a couple of moons into their warriorhood all hell broke loose and Tuftstar called out telling the clan that RushClan would no longer follow StarClan, after demoting Webrunner. This caused many of the clan to leave following the former deputy. Cherryrose, followed the former deputy, being a cat who was very religeous and believed RushClan would fall without StarClan. Although she was shocked and disgusted to see her brothers, mothers and her sister who decided to stay, from then she disowned her family saying they were no family of hers. Strawberry was silent, only Robincrest knew they didn't believe in StarClan. And Something told them that Cardinaltalon wouldn't care either way. Claiming he was loyal to RushClan and his family no matter what. Calling Cherryrose a traitor.

Mate Preferances

Orientation || Pansexual
Preferences ||
Turn Ons :

  1. Someone she can Cuddle
  2. Someone who won't abandon her
  3. Soft Spoken Cats
Turn Offs :
  1. Loud, aggressive cats
  2. Someone who'll abandon her for the next best thing
  3. Someone who makes her feel hopeless
Current / Former Attractions ||
💙 Crush | 💜 Deep Crush | ❤️️ Love | 💞 Deep Love | 💔 No longer Attracted
Darkstride : RushClan Warrior : 💔
Opinions : He tore me up. Made me who I am today. I don't want to be this version of me. I can't ever forgive you for what you've done to me.

Cat :
Opinions :
Family / Training

Name Relation Rank Clan Status
Webrunner's Group

Name Relation Rank Clan Status


Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  • To Make some friends
  • To have kits
  • To have someone who'd love her
  • To become useful to the clan
  • --
  • That she'd have no Friends
  • No one will love her
  • Fire
  • Thunder
  • Those outside her little bubble
  • fun fact
  • fun fact
  • fun fact
  • fun fact
  • fun fact

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