


6 years, 4 months ago


Black Dog Adopts are a closed species by TheDwarfQueen on FV

Cursed Newfoundland [lore below provided by TheDwarfQueen]

The Newfoundland roams the docks on foggy nights. Many describe hearing rattling chains and heavy footfall but could never find the source. It’s said that he protects the wives of seamen who have never returned, and fights off any evil spirits that may have attached themselves on the docked boats. Many a time, drunken men have sworn they’ve received a nasty bite from some mongrel before they had started a fight with their partner. The scars from the encounter, and the distant sound of rattling chains are the only things that give tell to the dog that guards the docks. There are no offerings given, but many children swear that they play with the puppy when their parents are no longer looking.