


1 year, 7 months ago



You're unnatural, babe!

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synthesizing heart and soul


It's 2008 and there has been a serial arsonist plaguing Seattle since 2004, though the SPD has only been after them for the last three years donning a fire entry suit and known to carry a pipe to make quick work of any victims they find. Underneath that suit is Griffin Cienfuegos or “David Vasquez” depending on who’s asking.

LIKES  Mocking the detective on his case, black coffee, spicy food, and fire. 
DISLIKES  Cold weather, cigarette smoke, being misunderstood, being forgotten, and overconfident people. 



Griffin has muddy red hair that is wavy and a bit on the long side, they also have slightly tan skin and heterochromia with his left eye being green and his right is brown. They are about 5’9” and look to be more on the leaner side however this is a bit of a trick because Griffin is actually quite physically capable. This more nerdy look is further pushed by how they dress, often opting to wear a more business casual look with button down shirts and slacks paired with tortoise shell glasses. With a quirky smile Griffin is able to present himself as the perfect idea of just a simple guy.


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Born in 1982 to Alwena and Javiero Cienfuegos, Griffin was not a child the couple were expecting especially so soon after their first child Diego. Throughout his childhood Griffin was always picked on by other kids their age including Diego for being off putting and a bit strange, leaving them very lonely and low spirited. With his parents never paying much mind to him and what was going on, this only made things worse for Griffin as they soon turned to some not so great habits to deal with the stress, that being an increasingly concerning interest in fire.

During Griffin’s sophomore year of college in 2002 the neverending torrent of bad luck had finally reached its breaking point for him, no longer being able to stand those around him and his parents’ do-over baby being all he hear from them a thought popped into the 20 years old’s mind, a thought that would be the fiery end of Griffin Cienfuegos’s life but the beginning for Fahrenheit to spawn from. Who would’ve thought faking your death could solve so many problem?


unknown.png Det. Lt. Jason Myers/span>

The Oh So misfortunate detective who took Fahrenheit’s case with confidence, but three years later and no results it must be so frustrating to have to chase after someone who constantly reminds him of that failure over and over to get a reaction. Griffin can’t help but admit he has a soft spot for Myers, they admire the dedication to hunting them down and hope he can come to understand and unravel why they do this. Though they can also admit that their feelings for the detective have unintentionally gone past than the simple cat and mouse they have

unknown-67.png Frankie Cantré

Our story’s true hero, a teenage girl who’s seeking revenge and wielding an ax along with a lot of pent up anger aimed right for Fahrenheit. Compared to the actual detective on the case Frankie is making quick progress in tracking Fahrenheit down and figuring out who the freak is under the mask. To Griffin she is truly a thorn in his side, both figuratively and literally since she gotten too close to cutting them in two at one point.


When they see us holding hands, they wish that they were geeks in love. And when they hear our favorite bands, they wish that they were geeks in love. We rattle off our injokes while they wish that they were geeks in love. And while we make each other smile, they wish that they were geeks in love!



  • They’re mixed Cuban and Welsh
  • Are left handed
  • Has a pet red-eared slider name Tomatillo
  • Diversity Lose! Fahrenheit is bi and nonbinary! Uses he/they pronouns
  • Like to wear fancy perfume

code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: sidebar || header