Lydia's Comments

I think she might be friends with Silver here! Silver tends to act now think later and is loud,,,

I could see it! I think you said in the server she's not an adult yet? So maybe she's still in school and doing an apprenticeship with Lydia, since Lydia's a graduate. Lydia is so sure about everything she says. But also. She barely passed her classes and remembers many things wrong. So poor Silver going all gungho with Lydia then in class the next day like wait a minute we did all that wrong???

Yes,,, Silver is in fact still in school and not yet an adult,,,, I can totally see Silver acting like Lydia's word is law and then yunno the class proves her wrong and she's heartbroken...

Until Lydia shows her something else and the whole process repeats again!

yes exactly! xD does she come back and try to correct lydia?

Naw,,, I think she pretends Lydia is still right because it's funny to see her do it wrong after,,,,

PFFFFF thats gr8. lydia thinks shes such a great teacher.

4 Replies