


6 years, 4 months ago




  • Animals, except bugs;
  • Rain, night and stars;
  • Books, games, cartoon;
  • Autumn, cold;
  • Rice, milkshake;


  • Toasters;
  • Crowds, noise;
  • School, studying;
  • Pressure;
  • Bugs;
 NAME   Helena
 PRONOUNS  She/Her/Any
 AGE   18
 BIRTHDAY  4th June 
 HEIGHT  1,75 cm 
 WEIGHT  65 kg
 GENDER  Female 

This is me.

There really isn't much to say. 








Dark blond hair or light brown hair, brown eyes or green eyes... Each person says something different. You can choose, I don't know anymore. Lack of Vitamin D and deep dark circles. I'm pretty sure I look tired or annoyed all the time, but that's just my face.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

ACHILLES  bestfriend 

Beware of the birb majesty. An awesome partner in crime, great friend, one of the strongest people I know, incredible artist and such a gift to this world, honestly. He has some kind of mind reading ability tho. I've known him for about 7 years and I'm still shocked by the immense creativity he has and the power to make you smile for the entire conversation.

GUSTAVO  bestfriend 

I can't use his real face, so I just searched "jojofag" on google and used one of the images. Such a shame, because he has an incredible picture collection of himself from alternative dimentions. He's funny as fuck, damn smart and will light up my day anytime. Also, we have these bets that I always end up winning. I'm so glad we met.