Parlay Leitlief



1 year, 7 months ago


You swear this oath at the foot of a Mighty Oak.
For the glory of Sylvanus, the All-Father, you will live by these tenets:
Kindle the Light.

Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.

Shelter the Light.

Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.

Preserve your own Light.

Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can't preserve it in the world.

Be the Light.

Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.

Once upon a time there was a small family of elves. They were very poor, for the man who paid them to work in his coal mine also set the price of their rent and food, for he paid them in a coin that no other merchant would accept.
This family was made up of a mother, a father, and three children, and although their lives were very hard, having to work in the mine every day in order to afford even the smallest loaf of bread, they loved one another dearly.
The mother's name was Rosemary, and the father's name was Cambric. The three children were called Sage, Thyme, and Parsley, named for the herbs once grown in their grandmother's garden.
One day the youngest child, Parsley, was sick with a fever fiercer than a lion and hotter than any summer. They spent the day in bed, fitful, while their father and siblings worked in the mine far below.
Parsley's mother cared for them as best she could between chores, sitting at the foot of their bed to darn socks and fold laundry.
Without warning, the mine collapsed.
Cambric, Sage, and Thyme were buried deep within the wounded earth. Just as mortals had carved her open for resources, she would claim her own harvest.
Without reason, Parsley's fever broke.
Grief-struck, Rosemary vowed never to lose another member of her family to the mines. Using the dark of night and the confusion of the disaster as cover, she ran with Parsley deep into the woods.
Once far enough from the town, Rosemary sat Parsley down upon a rock and pressed into their small hands a haversack, which contained a blanket, a waterskin, and a small hunk of bread.
With a prayer, Rosemary left her only surviving child to the wills of the wild. The next day, the Lightleave family would record four fatalies in the mine collapse.
Once upon a time a hare was caught in a hunter's trap.
The beast had paid no mind to the taste of magic on its tongue as it hungrily tore into the faerie fruit, but now it would pay the price of its greed.
Once upon a time, a child made a bargain with a faerie.
Slack-jawed, the gaunt creature stared upward to the moon, its mouth stained red with berry-blood.
Their own life in exchange for that of a mindless creature.
Do not, my child, eat the food of the fae - no matter how hungry you may be.
How very noble.
How very foolish.
The child was taken.
The fae raised the child
as one of their own.
They grew tall and strong,
and noble, and foolish.
Some things are never grown out of;
others, still, are reinforced.
The Faewild is a land of Magic that flows freely
between all life therein, shaping and being
shaped by each soul it touches.
A simple wood elf may grow into
a mighty eladrin; and any who so
will it may grow into a man.
A child may grow into a champion
- with adequate interference.
spring - this tab coming soon!

Once upon a time, an evil man scarred the Earth.
He took and he took, all for his own gain.
He spared no thoughts for those he took from.
His hands, though clean,
were steeped in blood.

Once upon a time, the Earth sought retribution.
She saw those who tore hungrily into Her flesh,
and She in turn tore hungrily into theirs.
Her feast was bloody.

Once upon a time, a mother killed her only child.
She abandoned them to the woods
the water and the wild,
and the Will of Nature.
Her decision was justified.

Once upon a time, a Champion was created.
His destiny was spun by many wheels,
and plied into a single thread.
He treads this path with conviction.


















Parlay is an Oath of Ancients Paladin, entrusted to the Seelie King's court and their deity Silvanus. Taken by the fae as a child, Parlay has spent years being taught half-truths and fanciful stories. Recently, they have returned to the material plane, armed with the belief that it is their duty to fight for the freedom of natural magic, and also a big sword. Only one of these things is strictly true though.

Parlay was born a wood elf, in a scrip-paid mining town. When he was small, his father and two siblings were lost to a cave-in, leading Parlay's mother to encourage him to flee into the woods nearby, rather than face the hardships of their current life. One night, Parlay found a hare caught in a trance-like gaze, berry juice on its muzzle. The hare had eaten some food belonging to the fae, who threatened to kill it. Without much thought, Parlay bargained their life for the hare's, and was taken back to the Seelie court in the Faewild.

Due to the strange magic of the Faewild, Parlay barely remembers their life before living there. They may also have returned to the material plane... somewhat displaced in time.
Personality: kind, assumes the best of people, naïve, whimsical, strong sense of justice
Motifs: leaves & nature, twig crowns, light, anti-capitalism, coal mining, fae

oc asks / further reading
NAME: Parlay Leitlief
AGE: 18
GENDER: Trans Male [he/they]
SPECIES: Eladrin
CLASS: Oath of the Ancients Paladin
BUILD: stronk 💪
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