

77d7f6ce88835b831dbfe88606011b1480465ec9 Samanta Maddox 77d7f6ce88835b831dbfe88606011b1480465ec9

Eccentric | Compassionate | Perceptive

A vessel for all things left behind.



  • Name: Samanta Maddox (born Westphal)
  • Nickname/s: Sam, Mad Dog, Manta
  • Alias: The Sensitive Psychic
  • Gender: Genderqueer
  • Pronouns: She/They
  • Orientation: Demiromantic Bisexual
  • Nationality: German-American
  • Occupation: Librarian
  • Allegiance: Survivors Club

„I was surprised by a new face today. It seems she saw me way before I spotted her – her wide eyes were trained on me and they looked like the deer and the headlights at the same time. I don‘t know what to make of her yet but I think she has the potential to be just as frightening as she is frightened.“ - Unknown (Potentially Benedict Barker)

Tethered closely to the Spirit Realm, Samanta has always been able to see and communicate with the Dead. A talented psychic, she uses her intimate knowledge of the arcane and the ability to look beyond the veil to be a guiding force for her fellow survivors.

Others perceive Samanta as off-putting and eccentric, which may have to do with the fact that she never seems to be "all there", as if a part of her is in another world  entirely. She's sympathetic, but has trouble putting herself into another person's shoes. She cares, likely too much, and has a gentle, almost timid approach to problems. She's careful with her words and often finds the need to clarify them multiple times out of fear of being misunderstood, as people tend to misinterpret her natural bluntness and monotone voice. Samanta is painfully aware of her tendency to miss most social cues, which makes her doubly nervous in any social setting as she feels like navigating a minefield at all times - as a result, she avoids most forms of socializing and is pegged as a loner.

Samanta is smart, but overthinks constantly, always fearing the worst possible outcome to any given situation. This has made her anxious and paranoid, but considering her past (and present), this seems to be a reasonable mindset.



  • Height: 5''2 / 1,60m
  • Build: Slender
  • Eye Color: Bluish Green
  • Hair Color: White (dyed), Light Blond (natural)
  • Dominant Hand: Right
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Style: Gothic, alternative

There's something otherworldly about Samanta's appearence. She has a long face that's commonly found wearing an expression of concern or subdued panic. Her eyes are a dim bluish green, and her hair is always dyed - either bleached white or colored something bright and striking. She wears dark make-up that makes her skin appear even paler and prefers to wear black or dark shades of purple. Samanta wears a pair of glasses with dark purple wire frames, but occasionally switches them out for contacts or tinted sunglasses in interesting shapes and colors.



  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Emoji: 🔮
  • Voice Claim: Lina Rabea Mohr
  • Trivia:
    • Samanta was diagnosed with autism after finishing high school.
    • She identifies as genderqueer and while she enjoys presenting in a more feminine way, she doesn‘t subscribe to any particular gender roles and uses both „she“ and „they“.
    • Her name was suggested by her father but her mother decided to leave out the H, as Germans don‘t have the „th“ sound and English names were only just rising in popularity at the time.
    • She is introduced in the Human Remains DLC, together with the Doppelgänger and the Edkins Underground Archives Realm.



Samanta has very little experience in the realm of friendship and connecting to other people. Her teen years were filled with isolating experiences, as she was always seen as weird, rude, crazy, or all three. With the people she's met in the fog she's trying to make up for lost time, and form new bonds.

  • ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Quentin Smith - Boyfriend - They start off on the wrong foot when Samanta is thrown into a trial immediately upon her arrival and, not knowing what‘s going on, has a breakdown which in turn makes him freak out at her. Afterwards, they either awkwardly avoid each other or accidentally antagonize the other even more, until they‘re put into a particularly  jarring trial against the Doctor that makes them realize how well they actually work together.
  • ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Steve Harrington - Boyfriend
  • ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Mikaela Reid - Best Friend - She didn‘t exactly set out to become Mikaela‘s friend, but as it often is with extrovert-introvert relationships… she was sort of dragged into it.
  • ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 - Jake Park - Friend - Samanta enjoys being in the company of someone who doesn‘t need to hold a  conversation to feel comfortable. Jake, in her eyes, is a  wonderfully practically oriented person and sometimes they just sit in silence and appreciate that the other is next to them.
  • 💔💔💔💔💔 - Ghostface -  Frenemy - The dichotomy of a guy hunting her for sport so regularily that it becomes a routine while being an undeniably pathetic serial killer fanboy apparently awakens something in Samanta.
  • 💔💔💔💔💔 - Doppelgänger - A Familiar Face - Samanta doesn't believe that it's after revenge. But why then did it cross an entire ocean just to find her?
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