
6 years, 4 months ago


Boo’s real name is Azura but prefers her nickname of Boo.

Her personality type is MEDIATOR (INFP-T)

She is a main sona of mine, super sweet and kinda moody. She loves hanging out with friends and venting to them.

“They are my world...legit idk what I would do if they weren’t here”

She puts out a slightly bitchy outer shell, she doesn’t care much for making new friends. She is also extremely bad at keeping conversations.

“Ah I can be kinda boring...I do feel bad about that. I wanna go on adventures but man my laziness gets to me.”

She is a sort mix between yellow lab and husky. She prefers fall to any other time if year.

“The crunch of stepping on leaves fills me woth joy aaaaa. 👀 I wanna jump in a pile of leaves plz”

Prefers being in the company of her significant other to anywhere else. But she also loves the company of her dorky friends. Even if she can be a buzz kill sometimes 

“I know they love me but aaaaa i am scared of everything!! Roller coaster? Nope. Sky diving? Nope. Anything fun? Nahhhhh. I choose to be alive and happy with my friends”

Has break downs, she prefers to help herself, can reach a breaking point if not careful though and lash out.

“I...i really dont mean it...i know people care about me...but idk...maybe they would be better off??....maybe?”

She smells of a vanilla blueberry cheesecake. Her fur is super soft but she doesn’t always groom herself sometimes, and it can get a bit messy.

“I mainly stay home so i mean??? I get lazy and don’t wanna brush myself. That takes worrrk”