
Hehe his last name is Edenberg,,, Flu Edenberg,, HEHEHEH >:3

species: dog?

gender: male

pronouns: he/him

background: he comes from a broken-ish home? his mom and dad divorced at a young age and his father and step-mother passed away in a hit-and-run before he got to make any memories with them. His mother ,on the other hand, stayed for a much longer time. She passed away recently from an illness ((she gets sick as much as flu does)) and that left him with only his boring step-father.


EVERGREEN- loves Evergreen with his whole heart, would honestly die if he ever died. He's his best friend and they've been together since he found him lazily planted near a highway while driving past. He had to get him so he grabbed a random bowl and gathered him up in his arms and put him in the bowl with some dirt. Has struggled really bad with sicknesses ever since he was little and Evergreen helps him get out of bed in the morning and make an effort to be functional!!

STEP-FATHER- He doesn't really like him all that much but he's the only one that's able to have custody of him at this moment

MRS. HARVEST/MOMMA- he!! loves!! her!! Mrs. Harvest is like a mother to him, he'd much rather have her as a parent that anybody else. He sees her as a role model and an inspiration in everything she does. She's incredibly encouraging in her arts and writing, which makes Flu so happy. He thinks Mrs. Harvest and her wife would be wonderful mothers to him if they were to adopt her! ((they will uwuw))