Rikka Darkblade.



1 year, 8 months ago


The creature standing before you is indeed not an Illidari, but a half-demon Sin'dorei woman. She is cladded head to toe in tight black leather, with an Argent Dawn tabard. She shows her loyality and dedication even to an order that would hate her by wearing the colors of the flag. She has bright fel-green eyes that flick and flow with bright fel-green magic that dance with light purple magic, indicating that she has the ability to work different magics. She has a long black tail that juts out of her spinal cord, wiping around moving with her mood. She has large horns that curl in front of her face, large fangs that can be seen when she is speaking.

She is about 6ft, give or take in this form. She is curvy in all the right places, rocking that mom body! Twin weapons placed on her sides, and some are hidden as a choice. She has long black nails that hang off of her pale hands, which are normally gloved in fingerless leather gloves. Should one see her bare arms, which  is rare, people would seem rather nasty scar marks that dance from the palm of her hands all the way up to at least the elbow. Her own magic in her normal form causes a lot of harm to her. As a paladin it can happen.

She does look as if she is rather strong in this form, despite having the mom-chunk. She is able to control normal fel-magic, and other attacks that her species of demon can do-- However, they are extremely weak considering she is only half.

Symbols of her achievements against the alliance and for the horde are dedicated and dance against her armor. A wedding band on her finger indicating that she is indeed married. 

Rikka in this form is shy-- relcusive. She is rather off-put when this side of her shows. She has been taught in all of her life that this side of her is bad, and should not be embraced. However, she is still a leader and a commander. She is strong where she needs to be. She is a good person even when she is 'demoned' out, putting others and her family before herself. She is motherly by nature and she does care greatly. She will shy away from paladins and others of the holy light when is is like this in fear of their magic, and even her own hurting her if she is not to careful.

However, when she is mad. She does lose a bit of control, and, get angry. She is a bit of an uncontrollable creature at some times.

Rikka's history is a special one: She has been through a lot in her past life. She cares not to remember any of it. She does know it though.

She was born between a rogue and warlock, the eldest of two sisters. However, she was the one that people did not really seem eye to eye with. She had become a mage in her lower years of life, training in the ways of her beloved grandmother. However, as her life went on.. She had realized that being a mage most likely was not something that she was going to enjoy. She had only really loved protecting and the idea of healing people.

The woman had moved on and had replaced her talents for the arcane and moved on to be a paladin. In which she strived for years, having found her own place in life. Healing, protecting and becoming the sword of Reterbution for those around her. She loved it. She had gotten married and had two lovely children that she still cares for deeply in this world.

They are now grown, and the threats that Rikka had helped against all but gone for the most part of everything. She had moved on in her life.. She happily worked and served for the Argent Crusade, until one day she had disappered, finding herself at a bit of a misunderstanding and went into hiding...

She is now back, and just as she had never left.