Live King's Comments

Ahh this design would be perfect for Dead King's previous, alive self.

The general gist of the story I'm thinking of going with is that the king is betrayed by a close friend (possibly his own son I'm unsure right now). The queen is drowned and then beheaded as a witch (The Drowned Queen) and the king is murdered while taking a picnic with his daughter, who reaches out instinctively to try and save her father with magic but gets her hand cut off before she can finish the spell, leaving the king in a living dead state ( though they don't realise this at the time) and the daughter is then taken in as the ward/prisoner of the person who betrayed them and subsequently took over the kingdom (basically she's there to ensure the people don't revolt, a hostage really) . Without her left hand she cannot perform magic so she spends the next 3 years training with a sword with the intent of eventually turning on her captors and taking back her kingdom. However her magic is still there just uncontrolled and it goes a bit wonky and she ends up in a cave with her semi-dead father and wacky hijinks ensue as they adventure across the land, picking up some pals and having some side quests along the way (and maybe finding out the queen is also not dead but is a headless seamonster which is a bit tricky) to eventually take back their kingdom.

It's a huge wip though I plan to put a ton of time and love into this and be constantly tweaking ideas and stuff.

I don't know if this counts for a WTA entry but um..   yeah 

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Ahh, oh gosh thank you so much!!

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