
"I begin, I end; an endless cycle that goes round and round and round, ceaselessly without stop.  Can you tell me, was it all ever worth it?"

As his name suggests, the supposed YoRha unit [0Z] exists as an anomaly within their system.  His classification doesn't fit within their current set of model specs, nor is there any indication that he was ever built under their close eye.  Yet he contains their signature Black Box, as well as many other key features that several less aggressive combat and information collection units exhibit.  His Black Box is disconnected from the system however, and he shows no sign either of siding with other Machine Life.  Each time he's been observed by YoRha units working on the surface, 0Z has been non-confrontational and sometimes helpful.  But he has also blatantly and strongly refused to return to the Bunker when requested, simply stating "It would be a grievous sin against my maker for me to return to such a place, so you must forgive me."

Physical Appearance & Abilities

Although he bears a striking and rather eerie resemblance to Adam, he is in fact, much older.  Since there is no known background pertaining to 0Z, his actual activation date is purely up to speculation, but it's clear from the wear and tear on his body he's older than A2.  His build isn't as bulky as Adam's, but their faces are nearly identical to anyone who wouldn't be paying attention.  His eyes are currently non-functional and thus wears what looks like the commonly issued YoRha blindfold during most encounters.  Without the blindfold on, his eyes are as colorlessly white as his long hair.  

Unit 0Z is known to carry a single reinforced katana for personal defense as well as a small tablet-like device for gathering information.  He has quite a bit of strength despite not having a body modeled for heavy combat.  He is swift at evasion, particularly when it comes to feinting enemies and stabbing at their weak points when they least expect it.  However, due to his reluctance to fight, these skills are rarely seen.  Because nearly nothing can be found about his origins or his esoteric creator, YoRha is right to be wary of him.  Other Machine Life also keep their distance from him as they find his presence unsettling.  Unit 0Z's personality comes off as graceful, elegant and gentlemanly initially, but after a few more encounters begins to also give off an aura of mysteriousness and deceit. 

If asked if his existence is lonely, all that is given is a small smile along with the response, "Why would I be lonely?"  The area in which he lives is full of thick, overgrown greenery and hundreds of thousands of various types of wildflowers.  If asked about the flowers, the response is a bit more subdued; a sigh with a bitter smile and a response full of sorrow, "It's something he used to enjoy, so I've tried to place myself around them.  I only hope I've succeeded."