


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Ioskeha

Gender: Female

Species: Lepus 

Abilities: Adept in Nature Elementals and Healing Magic, Super speed, Eidetic Memory

Like most Lepus, Ioskeha is proficient in magic -- hers stemming in the direction towards Nature elementals and Healing magics. Though she is still considered very young for her race, she is willing and eager to learn and give everything a chance. Ioskeha is extremely free willed and, as such, has a wild streak about her. To most, a Lepus would be a rare sight, but to her small village she is treated normally. Found by the mayor of Dalintha, Lugh, within the Witherd Woods it was thought an impossibility that anything, especially a babe, could have survived the dark and twisted forest and the monsters that lurked there. And yet, it was by the Gods that Lugh found the infant Lepus when he did. Lugh raised Ioskeha as one of his own children, as did his wife, Aleine, along with their other two children Gregoire and Attis. She was extremely loved and treated as an equal, something not normally given to her kind by humans, and in doing so, Ioskeha is lacks judgement when it comes to other races she meets in her travels. 

All Lepus also have eidetic memories. This means that Ioskeha will never forget a face or a picture of someone. She can even read books and gather information, storing them within the deep confines of her brain and be able to pull out such knowledge at will if given the opportunity. Oddly enough, she is rather bad with names. But will never ever forget a face! 

Small bit of info about Lepus: 

- The Lepus are a humanoid race with characteristics of rabbits. Long ears, giant paw-like feet, twitchy noses, and small fluffy tails set these people apart from all others. Their bodies are covered in a thin layer of soft fur, which can be any natural color, from dark black to pure white, and every color in between.
- Lepus are most known for forming strong tribes. Each tribe has its own customs and language, yet they can also speak more native tongues, if need be. They are a nomadic people, though each tribe has its own territory.
- Most of the time, Lepus are a gentle people and avoid conflict at all costs. However, when another tribe crosses into another's territory, small skirmishes can occur. The goal is to push the other out of the territory, but never kill or fatally injury.
- Lepus are also very in tune with nature. Each Lepus, no matter what age, has some small ability for magic. Most can call on small Elementals, which can be used for many things. But, when a Lepus has no further use for the elemental, they allow them to return back to the wild. They will never harness or enslave an elemental for fear of angering their Gods.