Teufel Vertrag (Pr;Bl)



1 year, 6 months ago


Teufel Vertrag

Your death lingers inside like a damaged nerve. The loss of you was the loss of me.

Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Age 27
Birthday October 30th
Sign Scorpio
Orientation Bisexual
Height 6'3'' | 189 cm
Ethnicity White German
Occupation Businessman
Role ???
Tell me, is something wrong?
If something's wrong, you can count on me.
You know I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat.
Thunder in our hearts, courage in our eyes.
We're standing tall.
Follow you, my friend, to the very end.
We'll never fall.
I'm sorry... both of you.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Arcana Hermit
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Enneagram 6

Design notes

  • Teufel has very geometrical hair, making square like curls.
  • He has very dark eyebags under his eyes and his teeth are very ponty and sharp.
  • On his tie he has a little golden pin on the left side.
  • His skin is as pale as a corpse, and is very sensitive towards sunlight and is prone to sunburns.
  • He can have his nails painted or not, when he does have them painted it's either magenta or purple.

A businessman is someone well inversed in the world of business: making deals with other companies or being able to financially support their projects to keep everything afloat and also keep a good relationship with others.


Serious, grumpy and perceptive. Teufel is a man who likes to be blunt during conversations as someone who values the truth, often making rude, straightforward remarks (either as mumbled words to himself or words he says out loud for others to hear) or laughing at others when they seem to get annoyed by them. He has taken a liking to try to get on others’ nerves at times, especially the people he is not too fond of.

He cares very little of what others think of him and sometimes he can judge the people too much at first. That’s why he doesn’t know when to stop before things go too far and ends up bringing him trouble. He always keeps a disinterested and annoyed look on his face, even if he is engaging in a topic he’s interested in. Still, there are times where a smile or a grin creeps into his features, softening slightly this sharp appearance he has.

When it comes to gruesome and horrifying scenes, Teufel is completely desensitised to those, remaining unbothered for most of them. He can walk to a dead body and touch it as if it were some normal Halloween decoration, a trait that can make others feel uneasy about him.

Usually, Teufel hates to be dragged into situations against his will and wil complain about it very often, doing anything to either not have others around him or to get away from them. He also dislikes people who are too gossipy or nosy, people who don’t respect others’ personal space. He can be very spiteful at times and hold grudges over small things for long periods of time.

Despite it all, Teufel is someone you can hold a pleasant conversation with. He might act grumpy, but he still tries to help others in his own way to some extent. He doesn’t like leaving loose ends.

Public Backstory

Teufel Vertrag is not a name everyone knows, though, if you run a small business, the name must sound familiar to you.

Teufel is the founder of “Vertrag Enterprises”, a name often found in newspaper advertisements, in pamphlets on the streets, or in small business cards. It’s a company that offers financial help to small companies that are starting up in exchange for a small portion of the benefits earned. Most local businesses have flourished thanks to Teufel’s intervention.

  • Coffee
  • Cats
  • True Crime
  • The Occult
  • Sunburns
  • Tobacco
  • Cider
  • Hyperpop Music
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Playing Music
