
🌿 Name 🌿

Kalydae Aratar (Kha-lee-day Ah-rah-tar)

🌿 Race 🌿


🌿 Eye Color 🌿


🌿 Hair Color 🌿


🌿 Height 🌿


🌿 Age 🌿


🌿 Homeland 🌿

A small village just outside of the Grand Bazaar.

🌿 Vocation 🌿

Personal scribe for a highborn family

🌿 Weapons 🌿

Defensive magic/His wit

🌿 Accessories 🌿

Eyebrow piercings/Bangles

🌿 Sexuality 🌿


🌿 Mate 🌿

None currently, though he wouldn't be opposed to someone trying if they want to.

🌿 Personality 🌿

Kalydae is smart, kind, and fiercely loyal, though under the surface somewhat complex. When faced with conflict he will almost always try to talk his way out of a fight, and very rarely do his attempts fail. He seems to have a natural ability to come up with a stellar strategy and isn't afraid to use it. However, any other time he is fairly submissive around others and almost seems innocent, most other kin at first thinking him to be far younger than he actually is. Kalydae moves at his own pace, which greatly varies depending on how invested he is in what he's doing. Anyone who knows him knows not to rush him. 

🌿 History 🌿

WIP- waiting on Airkin info sheet and a few answers from Pace