[W] Ahanai




🌿 Name 🌿

Ahanai Elemmiire (Ah-hah-nigh Elle-em-myre)

🌿 Race 🌿


🌿 Eye Color 🌿

Silver- Ahanai is nearly blind

🌿 Hair Color 🌿

Bright red fading into burgundy

🌿 Height 🌿


🌿 Age 🌿


🌿 Homeland 🌿

Previously from a small village just to the East of Azrah, Ahanai now lives a more nomadic lifestyle.

🌿 Vocation 🌿

Formerly a painter, after losing his sight Ahanai has taken to woodcarving instead.

🌿 Weapons 🌿

A series of daggers and knives.

🌿 Accessories 🌿

Lip/Tail piercings, Eye of Sola

🌿 Sexuality 🌿

Grey-asexual Homoromantic

🌿 Mate 🌿

Ahanai gave up on finding a mate and removed his nosering when the sickness overcame him, though he's currently dating a psychkin named Var'dagoth (owned by menarra )

🌿 Personality 🌿

Ahanai is defiant as can be, those who knew him before he became sick feel that's why he survived. His will to persevere despite anything is unsurpassed by most that he meets. However, he isn't incapable of some friendly competition. In fact, he really enjoys it. When not fighting to survive, Ahanai is actually a pretty playful kin.

🌿 History 🌿

Massive WIP