Harper Laplace (Harry Laboure (PL))



3 months, 8 days ago


Name: Harry Laboure

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Height: 170 cm (5'7'')

Weight: 170 lbs (77 kgs)

D.O.B: December 7

Starter: Litwick

Pokemon: Litwick 

Hometown: Lumiose

Job: Housewife


☆ Bold | He is willing to take risks as long as he doesn't think too hard about his actions. Otherwise, he would chicken out. He mainly takes risks for his own benefit though.

★ Flamboyant | Hoping to distract others from his clashing eyes, he tries to give off an air of confidence. He tries to be a trendsetter too to ego boost himself!

☆ Determined | He has a strong desire to do things for himself despite things not looking bright.

★ Frisky| Bullying aside, he is playful with others, and 'attempts' to make things pleasant for everyone to benefit himself.

☆ Embarrassing | Unintentionally, he can give others secondhand embarrassment. This could be from his clumsiness, his choice of wording, or him trying to overcompensate for his wrongdoings.

★ Melodramatic | He has a habit of exaggerating things out of proportion

Likes: Himself, Stealing, Money, Food, The color brown, Baths

Dislikes: Rich people, Being wasteful, His eyes, Clean spaces, Getting caught

History: Harry was born on the wrong side of Lumiose, and was picked up and raised by the grunts of Lysandre Labs. Growing up with the help from the grunts, it was fair that he did not want to stay working for the grunts forever. As a result, he picked fights with young beginner trainers for money, starting as a kid himself (with Pokemon given to him by the Lab workers) and continuing into his teen and adult years. Because beating kids in Pokemon battles was easier than beating the adults and tourists for money, he would get a big ego boost when he won things, causing him to feel overly confident in himself. However, despite his wins against children who didn't stand a chance, he also had his fair share of losses with the other grunts who strive for the same thing, money. 

On top of bullying, he also picked up small jobs in the city on request by his guardians who raised him. He had very few friends.

After years and years of saving up, he finally dared to leave the city through the Gogoat shuttles, but being stubborn, he didn't want to pay the fare and attempted to ride out without paying. Despite thinking it was easy to do so, Harry failed every attempt to leave.

He continued his attempts for days, and weeks, ALL with failure. Just when he thought it would be easier to walk out of the city, someone wealthy visiting the city caught his interest for Harry and helped him leave.

After leaving the big city, he tagged along with his savior to the peaceful town of Postwick, but the more he spent time with him, the more he felt he was being treated like a kid and made fun of. It felt wrong to him to receive the help he did and he wanted to do everything himself. Not wanting to take any more kind gestures the rich man gave him, he ran away from the man, only to be caught and given a bath, food, shelter, and new clothes. He kept running away until he was able to finally escape to the Fen Islands- but found that the guy followed him there too. 

Accepting his fate, he continued to adjust to his new life with this man, while trying to start anew in Fen.


- man child. man failure.

- he smells bad because of sweat 24/7.

- Had only used grunt-issued pokemon. He never had pokemon of his own until he arrived at Fen.

Mun info:

  • Mun name: Shan
  • Age: 21+
  • Timezone: PST
  • Preferred RP style: HC, script, lit... fine with any!
  • Uncomfortable with: I'm flexible! 
  • Shipping?: noPe.