


1 year, 8 months ago



Alkawn - الكون
(pronounced "Al-kaw-no")
Name Meaning: The Arabic word for 'Cosmos'. I felt very inspired by their markings, which contain entire galaxies
alongside the white of pure light and the darkness of deep space.


deq02ob-930c009c-5605-4980-8506-838f02e3Favorite food?

Watermelon! Constantly thirsty from his travels, he prefers to eat juicy fruits and nice moist eggs (especially the blue ones!). He will actually check to ensure they are not close to hatching before he takes them, because he doesn't have much of a taste for meat, though he has been known to target pestilent species such as rodents in times and places where they have been a menace. This is more of a community service than due to any appetite, however he simply will not abandon a kill and always ensures that if something meets its demise by his own fangs, he consumes it. (x)


Favorite Belonging?

A cluster of opal crystals he found with his mother, while exploring a cave system together. When they came upon this lucky find, she stopped him immediately and taught him the secrets of divination then and there, so that he may always be rightly guided by Spirit and the truths held in the Akashic Records. To this day when he feels uncertain about something, he will go back to his nest and bring them into the light of sun or moon, tossing them about and examining the patterns of light and which direction the tips of the crystals point, using this to determine his best course of action, going forward. (x)


Favorite Plant?

Alkawn absolutely adores mushrooms! While he doesn't tend to eat them, he does tend to them as some might a flower or a house plant. He sees the beauty in what they are, complex organisms capable of turning decay into flourishing life, and he values them for this talent. He sees himself as akin to them in some ways, not quite a plant, but neither is he properly an animal, to his mind, and certainly not a man either. He feels that liminal creatures like them are a thing of beauty, surpassing others in their specialness. (x)


Quirky Habit?

It really has nothing to do with good and evil, the balance of light forces against darkness, or a path toward the greater good, not by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe it's weird, it could be a bit annoying, and you'd definitely want him to wash his paws after, but Alkawn's guilty pleasure is... touching the eyes of snails and slugs... That's right, just giving them the gentlest tap with the edge of his toe or even a little boop with his muzzle. That's because he likes to see the way that they retract their entire eye-stalk, sometimes pulling one or both all the way back into their incredibly malleable head. And just as fun is watching them gather up the courage to ever-so-slowly extend them once more, and look the world head-on. He loves that they never give up or stop trying, nor does any harm seem to come to them, it's a bit like a game for him where he can unwind from all the seriousness and strife of this world and just have some fun with his squishy buddies. (x)



None. Alkawn has seen both the light and the darkness of this world, births and new beginnings but also death and some things worse even than that. He knows that not every story has a happy ending, but he also knows that the complete journey is more important than the last few moments, taken separately. Due to some strange experiences, Alkawn is not even sure if he can die, or if perhaps he is some type of immortal being, but he isn't really pressed for the answer, either, and is content to fulfill his purpose until such a time as he may serve it no longer.(x)





As boundless as the end of time, without limits or reservations, that is Alkawn.
A powerful creature, unmatched by any other, he controls destiny with his very whim.
Flowers bloom at his touch, and volcanoes erupt beneath the heat of his glare.
He brings both bounty and destruction, joy as well as tragedy, when he passes by.

Some would call him fickle, a creature prone to flights of fancy.
They decry his lack of response to their protestations, but he is not unmoved.
Alkawn works in mysterious ways, bringing forth life and abundance most unexpectedly.
Only he knows that sometimes our greatest tragedies lead to the most heavenly gifts.

He stays not long in any one place, nor grows too familiar with its residents.
It is not that he will forget them, they linger forever in his heart and mind.
Simply, he has others to help, his purpose is too grand to be confined or restricted.
And so he travels ever onward, adored - even worshipped - but forever alone.
