


1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info


This TH profile! wow!






My design, but creator is keychain-rua for ML purposes! 

Peppy Petra likes to collect bugs! She's also possibly a ghost, or was a gacha toy possessed by one? It's hard to tell but what we do know is, an unsuspecting, quiet human who liked keeping pet invertebrates put some coins into a gacha machine one day on a whim. They were expecting a temporary tattoo so imagine their surprise when a very 90s looking mouse-girl critter with a fairy backpack and a keychain coming out of her head popped out instead! They tossed it into their own bag with a shrug, figuring it was no big deal in the grand scheme of things. That evening they remembered their surprise find and took out the little capsule, popping it open to inspect their new keychain further. 

Imagine their surprise then when the tiny object came to (very noisy) life! Petra informed her new friend that she had been sent specifically to them because they were meant to be buddies forever! At first a tiny bit dubious, they did in fact quickly bond over a shared love of bugs. 

Petra is enthusiastic and bubbly, has the attention span of a gnat, and takes her job VERY seriously. If it's not finding new specimens, it's caring for existing ones, or finding creative ways to protect and propagate rarer or endangered ones. When one passes, she lovingly preserves it and has absolutely stupid amounts of bug related jewelry- most of which is too big for her to wear as she is still very tiny. Known to ride around on anything large enough to carry her- though this is mostly because she's not always strong enough to wrangle things on first grab, she plays it off as an integral part of the process.