


1 year, 8 months ago


I feel like they'd pair well with my boy, Calypso as a best friend. I imagine they'd be like a voice of reason (that Calypso doesn't listen to lol) the person that says maybe we shouldn't run around in the forest? That is then called a wimp and dragged to the forest anyway. 

A bit of a tangent but I feel like their friendship with Calypso started bc both of their parents wanted it, like a business marriage thing but instead w/ friendship. That's why Calypso is kinda dragging them around at first but eventually Caly sees they genuinely want to be friends and slows down a bit. He never explains why though but they know and tease him about it when they're older. 

for more about them, I feel like they'd be an aristocrat of sorts? And v much a mama's child (they just give off that vibe), always willing to make their mother happy. Perhaps their family has something to do with baking or coffee?? Despite their not so humble origins I see them helping out workers, running down to the shops their family owns to help out with the process simply because they find it fascinating. 

I'll figure out where to put all this later lol ^