★ | ▫ SplotchStar (Dawn of Pangia)



Dawn of Pangia
Name Dawn of Pangia

Leader The Council

Council members(s) SplotchStar
N / A
N / A
N / A

Medicine cat(s) PineThrush

Total members ???

Residence Gathering Island

Qualities Jack of all trades


Gonna go far kid


Dawn of pangia is the combination of all 4 clans and therefore their territory expands all 4 territories however most of those territories are riddled with mutated animals, plants or even other cats. Because of this they will alway use a buddy system.

their camp is on the gathering island and Astral clans "keepers" are constructing tunnels to connect them to the underground cave systems they use to live in. each clans numbers have been reduced significantly so overcrowding isnt really an issue for the clan cats currently.


They may not have "traditions" in the,, traditional sense but they have developed certain things to help them navigate the strange new world they live in;

the Buddy system. Warriors or any cat for that matter may only leave camp in small groups consisting of at least 2 warriors and a medicine cat or competent medicine cat apprentice. They are in the process of fully creating a new role called "the guide" which will replace the medicine cat in the buddy system as they have knowledge as to what is safe and what isn't without risking the only cats connection to their ancestors.

Apprentices must go through additional training which starts when they reach 3 months of age and lasts until the 8 month mark, the training consists of basic plant recongnition, signs of mutation, basic hunting skills and stamina training. this is done so when they are taken outside of camp as apprentices (after they've passed the test) they will not fall victim as easily if caught offguard.

Growing herbs. Out of desparation the medicine cats had made a breakthrough and discovered how to grow most of the herbs that they need regularly as such there is a small section of the gathering island that is dedicated to their herbal farm. given that gathering herbs in the wild has become significantly more dangerous they are working on how to get every herb to grow within camp.

The council. Instead of having individual leaders, they have a small council which consist of the old leaders ( those that still carry the name "star" ) the medicine cats, the deputies or leaders chosen cats and a handful of senior warriors or elders. In order for the line of succession to continue to be carried out the leaders chosen cat is still handed over the tittle "star" after the old leader dies. Leaders in this sense are there for the good of their clans but as the generations go on they will simply be there to be a voice of reason and authority but to reduce in-fighting will have others to quwell any fights that break out.

Clan Traits

Astral clan cats are known to me smaller than the other clans, they're lighter on their feet and quicker generally. Additionally Their eyesight may be worst than most other clan cats HOWEVER, this is made up for as their sense of hearing is on average stronger than the other clans.

Astral clan prides itself on honesty and wisdom, sharing the stories of their ancestors both the good and bad things of them and their clans past.

Given their territory they will often hunt what lives underground or in burrows;

  • Rabbits
  • pheasents
  • Mice / rats
  • adders
  • maggots
  • rotten prey


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Dawn of pangia came around as the clans hit a desperate low in which no clan alone would survive. unlike the other times this situation has happened however they saw it fit to give up each individual clan and merge them into one stronger clan as they are "stronger united" as a result they need to start over completely figuring out both how to work with eachother and their ever-changing new world they live in.

code by jiko