
Comical Reaper

















 The Hoosiers 


An assassin for hire but he chooses what requests to take or not to take. He only kills people who he deems is absolute scum and unredeemable, while also exposing all their terrible misdeeds and secrets. Often doing either of these things in a way that comes off as comical, hence the name the public gave him.


  • He actually has cat ears but he keeps them hidden, only letting people he really trusts to see them.
  • He's actually very skilled at sewing and cooking.
  • He doesn't own much stuff other than things he needs.
  • When he laughs it sounds like bells jingling.
  • There is one ghost companion that can sometimes appear and will cause Reap to suddenly act differently because it's one that appears when he feels responsible for his sister dying.

Likes and Dislikes


  • Jokes
  • Killing People God should have Never Made
  • Purple/Spooky Things
  • Families


  • Large Bodies of Water
  • Separating Families
  • Losing what is Precious
  • Hendrick


 Attitude?   Silly 
 Dom. hand?   Ambidexterous 
 Species?   Subhuman C 

Extroverted  Introverted 

Instinctive  Calculated 

Deceptive  Sincere 

Indifferent  Emotional 

Reserved  Affectionate 

Cooperative  Lone wolf 











 Food:   Spaghetti and Meatballs 
 Beverage:   Grape Soda 
 Scent:   Ice Cream 
 Color:   Purple 
 Flower:   Sunflowers 
 Animal:   Cat 
 Season:   Fall 
 Music:   Circus 





 body type 

Various Purples

 color scheme 


 clothing style 

Ghost Tentacles 

  • Made out of ghost ectoplasm so cannot be truly destroyed but can be temporarily destroyed by water
  • Can be controlled both verbally and mentally, sometimes they do things without Reap having to say
  • Unknown how many he is able to make and purposefully keeps that a secret
  • Very strong, able to lift most anything and often uses them to swing his scythe

Jack in the Box 

  • A teleportation ability that works on him, other people, objects, and just about anything
  • He can only use it in a closed off space, meaning the place must be completely enclosed
  • This ability is how he is able to pop up unexpectedly like a jack in the box

Dead Companion 

  • Anytime he kills someone he gains a ghostly companion that he can then summon at will (sometimes one will appear if he feels he's the reason someone died depite not killing them with his own hands)
  • These are not the ghosts of the victims themselves but they can share some personality traits with the deceased person
  • They will always care about Reap and do what he says, they're essentially tiny helpers


Assassin Work

An assassin known for his jester-like appearance and his ghostly powers. The only weapon he normally uses when fighting is a double sided scythe. He's very agile on his feet and tends to show up when you least expect it, from some of the most surprising places. He's good at what he does and has never failed a job he's taken.

Reap just showed up one day and began taking requests to kill. His incredible skill at assassination allowed him to quickly make a name for himself which eventually led to him getting more requests. It often surprises people that he will turn down requests if he doesn't believe that person truly deserves to die. If he thinks that person's secrets should still be exposed, however, he will still accept some of the payment to reveal them at least. He will often also turn down requests if that person is a part of a loving family, he does not like when a family is forced apart due to death.


Currently he spends all his time working, from researching the people his clients want killed to actually doing the deed. He has always been very thorough in researching targets before agreeing to take the job. There was one time recently, however, where he didn't do this. He'd been very stressed recently due to the anniversary of a specific event and was being pressured by a client so much that he agreed to a job without his usual amount of research. This job was to kill a certain criminal named Phantom, but when he went to do the job he stopped when he realized the criminal was watching over a kid.

Ever since then he has visited the dilf, much to said criminal's dismay, repeatedly. At first it was just as an apology for nearly killing the other man but eventually he came to enjoy those visits. He started to he was part of a family again. The child Toby reminded him so much of someone he was once always with and seeing the kid's smile brought him more joy than he realized.


Reap's real name is Izak and he used to work for one of the largest circuses in the world. He was known as one of the best jesters out there and loved his job very dearly, being able to put a smile on other's faces brought him unbridled happiness. The only other thing that gave him that much happiness was his family. He had an older sister who he had always been close with and the two were inseparable ever since he was young, despite only being half siblings with a different father. Eventually she got married and had two kids of her own and Izak treasure both them and his brother-in-law almost as much as his sister.

His sister had always had a strong sense of justice and a deep kindness for others, often seen as a ray of light in people's lives. She decided to become a hero in order to protect as many innocent people as she could but it eventually lead to her death. It wasn't just her that died, however, but the entire family. Izak had been away during one of the circuses travels and when he came back he was absolutely devastated to learn he had lost his entire family, the thing he cared about most. In his grief he began to fill with a thirst for revenge so he started training himself to fight so he may one day kill the ones who took everything from him. This is what eventually lead to his current career.


When Izak was 10 he found a cat on the verge of death who couldn't be saved, so as an act of kindness he put the poor animal out of it's misery. He felt guilt for the animals death even though the cat being hurt wasn't his fault initially. He was then met with surprise as a small cat ghost companion appeared and to this day it still follows him around. This was when it was first dicovered he was a subhuman type c as well as when the marking first started appearing on his body, starting with the one around his eye. The purple markings seem to appear as he uses the ghost companion ability, making his skin transluscent at times to show the bone within.

Nowadays, most people will mistake the markings as paint or tattoos but as a child the same could not be said. Other children were scared of his markings so they would avoid him. Izak was saddened by this because he just wanted to play with the other kids. His sister found him crying about it one day and to try and cheer him up she ended up telling him a bad joke that did end up making him smile. As soon as he stopped laughing he realized the joke made his bad feelings go away so he started learning a bunch of jokes. From then on, if a kid seemed scared of him he would start telling them jokes to ease some of their tension and apprehensiveness. This worked and soon more and more kids seemed less put off by his marking, becoming friends with him. Eventually. Izak even started learning tricks too, which lead to him eventually becoming a jester.

Family is something precious but oh so easy to lose, so you better treasure it while you can...