Jeremy A. Miller



1 year, 8 months ago


Jeremy A. Miller

Physical age: 56

Actual age: Ageless

Job: CEO of Earthly happenings (ie, he runs events n shit on earth)

-He sometimes travels and visits earth to handle business work and used to visit there for vacations. 


Outwardly to stangers- He is cold, quiet,and distant. Though he has a short fuse and is very very stubborn. 

At work- He is very calm and confident, rarely talking to anyone outside of work topics. Many of the lady's there swoon over him but they are ignored.

To sex partners- He can appear sarcastic and dominant. But, he is actually very inexperienced when it comes to actually doing stuff. And is usually fully dressed when his partners are nude. Refuses to receive pleasure himself. He can't actually fully top due to some,, issues. 

To love interests- He stumbles a lot and appears awkward, shy and socially inept. But he loves giving gifts such as food or money and tries to spend as much time as he can with them. 

He either wears suits, or boxers. Little in-between. He is never seen with wings, instead there are many many scars where they should be. There are scars all over his body but they have to be extreme to stay a scar. Most small ones fade within hours.

He lost his wife and daughter on earth so he is very sensitive to going there. He never goes there for vacation any more, and there was a noticable strain when he had to work there. 

His biggest problem: He feels as if he should be punished for all the wrong he had done in life. It started out small where he would offer to pay or beg women to hit him. It then escalated to self harm and actively seeking out dangerous situations hoping to be in pain

Another issue, he is aroused by some levels of pain so it's always awkward at first before he gets to his true intentions.

He has issues expressing and dealing with his emotions in healthy, normal ways and refuses to go to his therapist unless it's mandatory.